The knight in the abyss

Chapter 916 The weakness is the heart

Chapter 916 The weakness is the heart

It's no secret to any experienced adventurer that a demon's weakness is the heart.However, some people are also confused, why once the heart is destroyed, the demon will die so quickly, without even the strength to struggle a little?You know, the vitality displayed by the demons is really extremely tenacious. Even if all the limbs are cut off, they will wriggle and bite you with their mouths, but as long as a hole is poked in the chest, the fire of life of these guys will be extinguished immediately. It was like being poured a basin of cold water.

Karaline and his Black Order colleagues would have scoffed at the question if they heard it, because the questioner had the wrong focus.Instead of entangled why the heart is the weakness of the devil, it is better to ask why these abyss dwellers have that kind of supernatural vitality - of course because of their unusual heart.

From the results of the dissection, ignoring the incredible size of the muscles, the vast majority of demons' bodies are in serious disease, full of infections, ulcers and tumors, and it is known that demons do not rely on eating or other evil Rituals to access life-sustaining energy.The answer is obvious, it is their heart that provides the excess energy needed to maintain the body, destroying the heart is like destroying the keel of a ship, no need to apply any external force, just its own weight can make it collapse .

Still, exploiting this weakness in head-to-head combat is very difficult, as demons won't open their arms and let you stab a sword into their chest, compared to cutting off their limbs all at once Maybe even simpler.

However, what cannot be done in a frontal battle is different in a sneak attack.

Starstrike and Zariel's Sword are one of the best weapons in this multiverse, but for a cultivator (especially a physical cultivator), the best weapon is always his own body.

Speaking of which, the so-called hole cards of immortal cultivators can be in various forms, such as powerful magic weapons, magical skills that cannot be easily used, and even the identity of the master, family background and so on.Opening the life acupoint on the top of the head and directly releasing the true energy is more like a desperate move. Although this can instantly burst out a power far beyond common sense, it is also extremely dangerous. If you fail to do so, you will be seriously injured. If the enemy can counterattack , The death of the body and the disappearance of the Dao are by no means alarmist.

Fortunately, Lancelot was lucky. The decision he made at that moment was indeed the best of all options.He is like a dagger made of jade, fragile but also sharp as a razor. Moreover, although the monster seems to have nothing to do with the ordinary witcher spider, the breathing area of ​​its abdomen is still the most important part of the body. It was a weak place, so that Lancelow succeeded in one blow, and pierced the stomach of the mutant hunting spider with his forehead.

Demons do have extremely strong bodies, but no matter how strong they are, they haven't evolved the ability to squeeze out the weapons inserted into their bodies.Lancelot felt the sudden contraction of the surrounding flesh and blood, as if he was buried hundreds of feet deep underground, unable to move his whole body... just almost.He slightly rotated his wrist, and a turquoise sword glow shot out from the palm of his hand, piercing into the heart of the devil spider like a swimming fish, and after only a few breaths, he twisted the thick, throbbing blood vessel like a tree stump into a pile of pieces , a lot of blood spurted out from it, and Lancelow also obviously felt the pressure around him suddenly lighten, as if he was just buried in a pile of soft cotton wool.

He waved his arm again, cut a hole in the side of the demon spider's abdomen, and walked out of the monster's body holding the little Isa who was still a little confused.

The leader of the Demon Hunting Spider, who was still invincible just now, fell into complete silence at this moment. A broken heart means instant death to all demons. Moreover, if this is still the Abyss plane, its corpse might start to weather. up.However, although the leader is dead, the other Demon Hunting Spiders are still alive and well, but at this moment they are all huddled on the edge of the cave.Judging from the traces on the ground, the monster obviously waved its tentacles crazily just now, and any creature standing within thirty feet of it would suffer.

Of course, except for those that got into its body.

Lancelot didn't avoid the gazes cast on him. He had been in the abyss long enough to know what the demons were looking for—signs of fear, so he stared back one by one, using a method any demon could Understanding eyes: I am ready to kill for fun, and you are the object of my fun.

It's often said that demons fight each other over a look, and that's the look Lancelot is giving.In fact, he was already ready, as long as any demon hunter dared to approach, he would immediately use the titan transformation, and cut the creature that dared to challenge him in half with his sword.

Perhaps the death of the leader was too shocking. The Demon Hunting Spiders retreated one after another, or looked away, and some even cast teleportation to leave the cave. No one stood up to challenge Lancelot's authority.Seeing this, Lancelot ignored them and walked to the front of the dead monster.

As Lancelow expected, the tentacles he dodged just now hit the monster's own head, causing very significant damage. Its facial bones were shattered, like a crab hit by a stone.Among the pile of broken carapace and flesh and blood, there are three flashes of light that people care about. They are from the star strike and Zariel's sword that fell into the monster's mouth, and from being cut from the monster's tongue by little Isa. The ancient evil thing that came down.

Lancelow stretched out his hand and first pulled his two friends out of the enemy's corpse. The two intelligent swords remained silent at the moment, and even the always noisy Star Strike did not speak. This made Lance Luo was not only a little surprised.However, after getting the two weapons, they immediately raised the temperature by themselves, and it was very warm to hold, giving people a sense of security. Lancelow knew that this was his friends saying hello to him, telling him not to worry.

Last but not least, Lancelot held the sword in his left and right hands respectively, and picked out the long black fang—its name was the fang of the Soul Eater—from the monster’s corpse and held it on the ground with Zariel’s sword. The sword held it against.

Lancelow could vaguely feel that some kind of evil idea was frantically trying to establish contact with himself. When this attempt was forcibly suppressed by the two magic weapons in his hand, some vague words sounded in his ears. Clear, meaningless whispers, with his own mental power, can easily completely isolate those whispers.

'Kranvor, are you still there? 'Through the spiritual connection with little Isa, Lancelot called out to his god, 'How to deal with this thing? '

"I'm here." A familiar voice sounded in front of Lancelot, and a golden figure gradually took shape in midair, "The trick just now was really wonderful...Leave it to me next."

(End of this chapter)

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