The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 108 It's Not Your Turn To Be This Family

Chapter 108 It's Not Your Turn To Be This Family
When eating in the evening, I didn't see Ye Dani, only Xiao Qian's face was blue and purple, sitting and waiting for dinner early.

After Mrs. Wang and his wife had finished the food, Mrs. Qian first took two pancakes and sent a bowl of mush to Ye Osmanthus who was still closed.

Xiaoqian, who thinks she has her father's backing, doesn't care at all, just staring at He Xiner's stir-fried cabbage, it looks a bit greasy, it seems to be delicious, waiting anxiously~
Ye Guihua was surprisingly quiet, she didn't yell like last time, she gave whatever she gave, and she seemed obediently compromising.

When the old Qian Shi came back to serve the dishes, and the big guys were ready to eat, Ye Laijin realized that his daughter was not there, looked at the little Qian Shi and asked, "Where is Da Ni? Why don't you come to eat?"

As soon as he took a bite of the food, old Qian's face turned pale when he heard his eldest son ask about that evil obstacle: "Don't mention that life saving, I don't even have an appetite for food."

here it is~
He Xiner had a bad heart, so she hurriedly lowered her head to eat, and she couldn't eat after a while.

The ruthless words made Ye Laijin choke up and couldn't get off the stage, his face was a little embarrassed and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Xiaoqian, who was snoring and eating, finally raised his head to swallow the food in his mouth, and said in a weird way, "Mother, what you said is wrong, big Nico is your granddaughter, she is Xiaozhusheng, so what are you?" ah?"

Before old Qian could get angry, Ye Laijin got angry first: "What nonsense are you talking about? You are the one to talk like that?"

Ye Laiyin also followed He Xiner's example, lowering his head and eating quickly, while Wang Shi and Ye Xusheng could only pretend to be deaf.

The old Yetou and the old Qian who were sitting at the top both had pale faces. This big house wife is becoming more and more courageous. She feels that she has her father's backing and no fear...

Xiaoqian, who feels good about himself, is not afraid of Ye Dajin, "Didn't I just follow my mother's words? My daughter is a good girl, she works hard every day, and my mother scolded her like that. How can a mother scold her?"

Ye Laijin was getting bored with the non-stop day after day, and his face was so dark that he was about to drip: "Hurry up and apologize to mother!"

Xiao Qian curled her lips, stuffed another mouthful of vegetables into her mouth, and said unhurriedly: "Mother, my daughter-in-law will apologize to you."

The perfunctory attitude is not covered up!
Seeing her arrogance, old Qian smiled angrily, hum, your father will not live with you every day, my old lady will eat now, and I will clean you up later.

Looking at Lao Yetou, the husband and wife who have been together for decades have a tacit understanding. They can understand each other's meaning when they look at each other. They agree with each other, and they are all sullen and silent. They are really fed up with eating and making noise. Clean up this lifeless thing~
Seeing that the old couple continued to eat without saying anything, everyone was stunned, so easy to talk?
Well, continue to eat, collectively pretend to be dead...

Only Xiaoqian's face was full of complacency, her father was the best, after coming here, her father-in-law and mother-in-law didn't dare to speak of her anymore.

So, I am happy to eat more~
After eating, Wang's wife went to the backyard to wash up with the rice bowl.

The sky was dark, so old Qian frantically lit an oil lamp.

Old Yetou took out the cigarette pouch and lit it, took two puffs, and said, "The corn is ripe, so I can break it and go home tomorrow, and arrange work tonight."

He glanced at Ye Xusheng again, "Sheng'er, go back to the house to study first, you won't be needed at home."

Glancing at his father, Ye Laijin also nodded, and Ye Xusheng retreated back to the house.

It's still his own son who has face. Xiaoqian, who is full of food and drink, slumped on the stool, is full of pride, and said with a smile: "Collect the grain and sell the money, but you have to save Sheng'er's Shuxiu first, mother." Just give me the silver, so you don’t have to spend it.”

Seeing her push her nose up more and more, old Qian's face turned black into a pan, "My mother is not dead yet, it's not your turn to be in charge of this family."

"Aren't I doing it for this family? It's the most important thing for Sheng'er to go to school. When Sheng'er passes the exam and becomes a high-ranking official, won't parents enjoy the blessing?"

Almost pissed off by her, Ye Laijin scolded, "Where are you talking about the autumn harvest now?"

(End of this chapter)

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