The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 109 Make up for her so that she can scold me vigorously

Chapter 109 Make up for her so that she can scold me vigorously

If you think about it, how can you get money if the grain has not been confiscated? After the grain is sold, we will talk about the money.

Xiaoqian rolled her eyes, and only then did she think of her daughter who hadn't eaten, "Mother, you are too partial, how many jobs have you arranged for Da Ni? Why haven't you come back when it's dark?

Is she still hungry?
It's just that when you grow up, you can't go hungry. After working so hard for the family, you should eat two eggs to make up for it. "

With a gloomy smile, old Qian said in a hoarse voice: "Benefit her so she can scold me vigorously?"

Hearing what his mother said, Ye Laijin was taken aback: "Mother, don't you misunderstand, that child, Dani, dare not do such unfilial things."

"That's right, how could mother say such a thing? Dani is a good and filial child. When did mother arrange her work, she didn't do it honestly? How dare she say anything?"

Patting the table, old Qian gasped heavily, "That bastard can't do it? Who can do it? If my mother hadn't heard it with her own ears, I couldn't believe it. She is so vicious at such a young age. Curse me for being thundered." clap!"

Ye Laiyin really wanted to hide himself, didn't he mean to arrange the work for the autumn harvest?
Frowning in one place, Ye Laijin said: "Mother, don't be angry, if Dani is really unfilial, my son will teach her a lesson."

Xiaoqian curled her lips when she heard that~
Old Yetou didn't know what happened, he only knew that the old woman beat up Ye Dani and locked her in her room so that she wouldn't come out to eat.

After cutting Xiao Qian's eyes fiercely, the old Qian recounted what happened in the afternoon bitterly. Ye Laijin was so angry that he went out to look for something to wear. Little Qian saw that she was serious, Quickly follow behind to pull.

But how could she hold back Ye Laijin, who was angry, and was pushed down by Ye Laijin to the ground, patted her thigh and yelled, "Don't beat my daughter, she is going to be a young mistress, you old Ye family is so hard on her!" , let her do rough work every day, and wait for retribution!"

It was completely dark, and you couldn't see your fingers in the yard. The Wang family and his wife who came out of the backyard and walked cautiously at night were startled by the yelling and cursing in the dark night.

The couple quietly took a few steps back, deciding to stay away from the center of right and wrong.

The furious Ye Laijin didn't notice the girls hiding in the corner, strode to the backyard to pull out a dry branch, and went to the east wing only to find that the inside was locked, so dark that he didn't bother to ask for it. Key, kicked open the dilapidated door panel, took the branch and started to slam it against the small black influence inside...

Immediately, Ye Dani's miserable cry came out, "Ah... ah... stop hitting, I know I was wrong!"

Xiaoqian still felt sorry for her daughter, got up from the ground and ran over stumblingly, "Stop beating, stop beating, you want my daughter's life!"

Ye Laijin didn't speak, and didn't let go of the branch in his hand. He hit the branch wherever the black shadow jumped, and it was called ruthless...

He Xiner, who was standing in the shadows in the corner, was trembling with fright, she was still a child...

I don't know when Ye Xusheng stood behind her, silently making no sound, his father's furious anger must have been caused by Dani's doing something, his sister was misled by his mother, so he should teach him well, if he beats like this, he might be beaten bad, alas~
Hearing a soft sigh from behind, He Xiner turned her head and saw clearly that the silhouette of the shadow was the big brother. Without even thinking about it, she grabbed his hand and pulled it towards the east wing.

Mrs. Wang also heard the movement, turned her head and saw the eldest nephew in the shadow, sighed softly, and said in a low voice: "You go to tease your father, Dani is still young, teach me slowly, don't play badly."

Patting He Xiner's hand, Ye Xusheng said in a low voice, "You guys go back first, I'll go get my dad."

After he left, the Wangs and his wife didn't dare to move, for fear of attracting the attention of the mother-in-law by accident, it's better to be careful.

Ye Xusheng entered the house to avoid the dark shadow on the ground, and stepped forward to hug Ye Laijin's waving arm, "Father, my sister is still young, she will be broken."

Ye Laijin, who was also beginning to feel distressed, stopped when his son came forward.Said: "Go to the main room and kneel, kneeling for an hour before getting up."

Little Qian on the ground got up quickly, groping to support the little black shadow in the corner. "Da Ni, Da Ni, do you need something on your body?"

It was the first time for Xiaoqian to see Ye Lai's blond hair so angry since they got married, and she felt a little apprehensive, she didn't dare to scold her, and only carefully helped her daughter up.

Ye Dani, who was stunned by the beating, trembled all over and stood up tremblingly, hanging half of her body on her mother, not daring to take a step closer to her father.

After Ye Xusheng snatched the branch, Ye Laijin was silent, and then shouted sharply: "Hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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