Chapter 1100

Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin stood up early, both with dark faces, looking at Ye Laicai coldly, which made him feel an invisible pressure, and just when he felt a little trembling in his heart, he heard If his mother asked his father to apologize to Mrs. Wu, he immediately froze again.

"The county magistrate has always felt sorry for Mrs. Wu. If he knows that Mrs. Wu has suffered such a big grievance at Lao Ye's house, he will definitely not let her go lightly..."


Before he could finish his sentence, Old Yetou swung his big ear scraper over and slapped him loudly.

"A wolf-hearted thing! It will threaten my father, I will kill you bastard!"

I haven't seen any son dare to talk to Lao Tzu like this. Old Ye Tou is really angry. He was about to explode with a little uneasiness. He didn't care about whether the Wu family was not Wu's or not. He strode to Ye Tou Come to Cai directly to get started without discussing.

Ye Laicai was beaten so loudly that everyone was dumbfounded.

When the old Qian realized it, he scolded in a sharp voice, "I'm not dead, I deliberately prevented my daughter from marrying a good man..."

Then she lowered her head and was about to hit Old Ye's head, but Ye Laijin quickly grabbed her arm, and she and Ye Laijin got into a quarrel, cursing and howling, trying to force her to death with one unfilial son!
Ye Guihua also reacted, and cried out, "You just don't want to give up the money, and you don't want to make me feel better..."

Wang Shi, He Xiner, and Ye Feifeng were all dumbfounded.

Ye Xusheng always stood by He Xiner's side, watching the group of people tossing coldly.

But Ye Laiyin didn't care how his mother was playing with his elder brother, just stared at Ye Laicai, and sure enough, he saw that he was slapped in the eye, and angrily swung his father away, making his father's feet unsteady About to fall to the ground, Ye Laiyin hurriedly stepped forward to support his father, and kicked Ye Laicai with a hearty foot, "You dog is not as good as a beast!"

Ye Laicai is usually lazy and thin, how could he stand Ye Laiyin's kick, he kicked him to the ground, fell to the ground, hit his head on the bluestone brick, and let out a groan. The dull sound made Ye Laicai's eyes stare, his headache was splitting, and he lay on the ground unable to get up for a while.

"Ah - dead bastard..."

Old Qian's mouth was full of obscenities, and he was struggling to beat Ye Laiyin. Although Ye Laijin was very powerful, he was a little flustered by her fuss, and he couldn't really fight his old mother. He just tried his best to stop it, which made old Qian even more unscrupulous.

The whole main room was in chaos, old Qian's scolding, Ye Guihua's howling, and old Yetou's angry scolding, all mixed together, making the noise even louder, as if the roof was about to be blown off, in this silent night, Extraordinarily amazing.

Wu Lihua sneered in the ear room.

If Lao Ye's family is so ignorant of flattery, then don't blame the old lady for being rude.

"Mother Tian, ​​come here."


"You pay attention to the girl in the second room, and you go to say goodbye to her as soon as she goes back..."

Wu Lihua signaled Granny Tian to move forward, then leaned over to her ear, and instructed her carefully.

On the fifth day of the first lunar month, Ye Laiyin deliberately went to the dental shop in the town to find a helper, but he couldn't find a suitable one. During these days, Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Tian took care of the meals of Lao Ye's family.

Mrs. Tian is practical and capable, with quick hands and feet, and she doesn't talk much. Both Wang and his wife are quite satisfied.

Wu Lihua also knew this, so she explained the matter to Mrs. Tian.


It's said that old Qian can eat and drink on weekdays, and he is in good health. It's hard to restrain Ye Laijin from making a fuss. There were three long red marks, and even blood beads oozed out.

Ye Xusheng, who had been silent all night, suddenly let out a long and cold roar, and the cold and long voice spread through the gap between the doors and windows in an instant~
"What are you doing, you bastard? Dead things..."

Old Qian was taken aback by him, and immediately stopped jumping up and down. He stared angrily at Ye Xusheng and was about to start cursing, but then thought of his status as a scholar, stopped the car abruptly, and quickly changed his words, "Sheng Son……"

 Ask for tickets regularly every day, hee hee~~
(End of this chapter)

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