The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1101 Don't think too much

Chapter 1101 Don't think too much
On weekdays, Dabai is docile and well-behaved, he never yells or yells, and lets He Xiner and Wang Jinling toss, especially when Wang Jinling is around, he plays with Dabai in the yard almost every day, everyone in Lao Ye's family is used to it ;
Some time ago, Xiao Xuyang also became obsessed with playing with Dabai, but Dabai was a very good-tempered companion who never lost his temper, and the whole family never praised him;
Dabai is able to coax children at home and earn money when he goes out. His ability can be described as extraordinary. Whether he went up the mountain with Ye Laijin or Ye Laiyin, he never came back empty-handed. He earned a lot of private money for the first and second families;

Old Yetou, Ye Laijin, and Ye Laiyin all cared about it, and praised it from time to time.

Ordinarily, old Qian should have gotten used to Dabai being so likable and having lived at home for so long, but she shuddered just looking at Dabai's calf-like body.

But she knows that Dabai is obedient and won't bite people, so she can rest assured that when Dabai is in the yard, she will go to the yard when she should, and won't hide.

But that was on the premise that no one ordered Dabai to murder her. Now that her eldest grandson obviously has malicious intentions, it's no wonder she isn't afraid.

Just when old Qian changed his tune in a hurry and shouted, "Sheng'er, stop screaming..."

Before he could finish speaking, the door was slammed open, and there was a dull and loud noise. At the same time as the cotton curtain was pushed open, a white shadow flew towards him like lightning, which shocked old Qian. A voice, like killing a pig, screaming so shrill, as if it has been bitten.

Hey, Dabai, that arrogant guy doesn't like to bite people, he prefers one-claw skills, biting people is too unhygienic~
Ye Laicai, who just got up from the ground full of hatred, was about to fight Ye Laiyin desperately when he was startled by the lightning-like Dabai. Ye Lai was so frightened that he almost fainted, and sat back on the ground with a plop.

His face was pale, and he couldn't help shaking.


Old Yetou was very contemptuous.

This son is useless!
In other words, the old Qian was still screaming at this time, the scream was about to overturn the roof, almost deafening everyone's ears, and the people who screamed were upset and disgusted to the extreme.

Hey, Dabai didn't care much about her when he came, she just looked at her faintly, she had a guilty conscience, thinking that Ye Xusheng asked Dabai to bite her, who told her that she just made a fool of his father~
Ye Guihua cried even more fiercely, until she was out of breath, she kept saying that no one is good, they all bully their wives...

After tossing and tossing for most of the night, Lao Yetou was tired long ago, and he was so angry with these two idiots that he didn't bother to say anything at the moment, so he simply and rudely shut Lao Qian and Ye Guihua into the west wing room, and the windows were opened from the outside. It's stuck.

He didn't use his son's help in this matter, he dragged Ye Guihua himself, and old Qian followed up swiftly under Dabai Youyou's eyes.

But Ye Laicai was ordered by the old Yetou to leave before midnight the next day.

Ye Laicai, who was ordered to leave, walked out of the main room with a livid face.

A farce finally came to an end, the whole family was exhausted, and Lao Yetou was even more depressed. After all, he was the son he raised with his own hands. Although he was angry with him for not living up to expectations, and also annoyed that he was plotting against his own people, but this time they fell out. For a person who has no face, and personally kicked him out, this father-son relationship can be regarded as coming to an end.

It's a lie to say that you're not sad when things like this happen.

"Father, don't think too much about it. The third child is a coward. If he can't stand outside, he will plot against his own people. The Wu family is even more picky. If they don't drive them away, the house will be in trouble. "

"Brother said that the family has been going smoothly for the past two years, and the life is happy. It would be great if my mother didn't make a fuss. As soon as the third son came back, the trouble became like this..."

(End of this chapter)

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