Chapter 1102 Look at my brain

Old Yetou doesn't know that the third child is a fool who is incompetent and loves to play tricks. If they are allowed to live at home, it will definitely hurt the hearts of the boss and the second child.

Having lived for most of my life, I have suffered too much. When I was short of food and gnawed on tree bark, and when I almost froze to death when I didn’t have a thick cotton coat, I gritted my teeth and persevered through many difficulties;

He had lived enough hard times, and with his father's words back then, he devoted himself to changing the door lintel, and even did something to apologize to his second child for money...

He feels guilty when he thinks of that, but he likes to value He Xiner from the bottom of his heart. Maybe it's because he is old and his ambitions are not so big. Now that the family life is easy, he is very satisfied and doesn't think about anything else.

Just wait for the eldest grandson to pass the test of merit, and he can sit peacefully as his old man and enjoy the happiness of life.

Apart from the big event that his eldest grandson had to take the exam, what he hoped most was a family and a happy, happy son, all by his side, and a few more golden grandchildren for him.

The second child hadn't moved much these years, and he couldn't say anything because of the guilt in his heart, so he was counting on the third child to get married and give him more fat boys.

The children and grandchildren are rare and the population is thriving.

This is what he has been looking forward to for a long time.

but now……

Originally, I thought that after the eldest grandson got the honor in the examination, he would argue with the Wu family about the status of the third son-in-law, but it turned out that there was no need to argue anymore...

After making a fuss for half the night, the old Ye Tou waved his hand in a lack of interest, shouting that they should all go away.

Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin accompanied the master into the room and went to talk about themselves.

Wang took He Xin'er, Ye Feifeng and Ye Xusheng away from the table quickly, and ignored the improper washing of the dishes, put the things in the kitchen, and Wang hurried back to Xikua courtyard to burn the kang.

Ye Xusheng and He Xin'er took Dabai to send Ye Feifeng to the East Wing, and turned around after seeing her enter the room.

"Big brother, what time is it?"


He Xiner looked up at the black cloth-like sky, there were no stars and moons, and she didn't know how the big hall brother calculated the time.

"It's getting late at night, Brother Hall, hurry up and go to rest. After so much tossing around, people are exhausted."

"Brother will send you off."

"No, Dabai is following me."

"There's nothing left and right, I'll take a walk with you."

Seeing his insistence, He Xiner didn't say anything more, and the two of them walked towards the west courtyard in silence.

"Miss Ye Er."

Suddenly a figure flashed out of the darkness, Dabai swished and jumped in front of He Xiner, Ye Xusheng also clenched his fist~
"It's not good for the old slave, it scares the young master and the young lady."

Mrs. Tian apologized sincerely.

Dabai on the side stared at her covetously, still feeling quite psychologically stressed, but he also knew that this dog had a good temper, he would play with the big man's young master without hesitation, and he didn't feel annoyed when he was ordered to turn around.

"It's so late, why is Tian's mother still awake?"

"Mom is looking for the second girl..."

"Oh, by the way, look at my brain, Mama Tian has done her duty to cook us meals for the past few days, and she agreed to pay the wages, so I'll go get the money now."

"Brother here."

Ye Xusheng clearly felt that the other party wasn't doing it for the wages, so he grabbed He Xiner who was about to leave, and took four qian and handed it to Mrs. Tian.

"The old slave is not waiting for the second girl here for wages."

"This is what was agreed earlier, you just keep it."


Mrs. Tian accepted it with a face full of joy, and then took out a beautiful sachet from her pocket, "These days, the old slave has been taken care of by the second girl, and I am reluctant to leave tomorrow. This sachet is made by the old slave himself. , send it to the second girl as a memorial."

Another sachet?

A faint sweet fragrance wafts out, which is really nice.

Dabai's eyes turned red, and he glared at Mrs. Tian unkindly.

(End of this chapter)

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