The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1104 What does this mean

Chapter 1104 What does this mean

So, Ye Laicai, who was full of anger, with red eyes, raised his fist and punched Ye Xusheng in the face. He was freed by Ye Xusheng, and then both arms were freed by Ye Xusheng, and then they were thrown under Wu's feet with a "bang".

Wu Lihua, who was sitting on the top of the kang, was in a posture about to face the kang. Before she could see how the other party did it, she saw her husband with his mouth wide open, his arms hanging down, twisting in pain on the ground, his head full of bruises. Cold sweat, it can be seen that it is extremely painful!
Wu Lihua only felt a cold air rise from the soles of her feet, and the cold spread all over her body while sleeping, and her whole body seemed to be frozen, motionless.

The little maid Qing Xing was also dumbfounded from fright, and she didn't dare to move.

At this time, Lao Yetou, Ye Laijin, Ye Laiyin and Ye Xusheng who rushed over after hearing the sound entered the ear room, all with dark faces.

And He Xiner had brought Dabai back to Xikuan courtyard.

I'm afraid that her mother will go back and block her mother when she hears the movement on the other end.

Lao Ye's house was big, and the roar in the front yard could not be heard clearly by Mrs. Wang who was burning the kang in her daughter's room, but worried that her daughter was in trouble, she hurriedly threw the hard firewood in her hand, wiped her hands casually, and hurried out. Xikuayuan met He Xiner.

Then, He Xiner said lightly that she was fine.

Wang is full of suspicion, but she is not nosy, as long as the daughter is fine.

In the ear room, Ye Xusheng expressionlessly threw a brand new silk face sachet onto Wu Shi's face, causing pain to her face.

Three generations of old and young men from Lao Ye's family are all there, oh, Xiao Xuyang's baby doll doesn't count.

Wu Lihua's heart shrank into a ball, her face was pale, and she still forced herself to hold on, "What, what does this mean?"

Ye Laicai on the ground was in agony, rolling over and over on the ground, Wu Shi and Qing Xing trembled even more.

After all, they were on the territory of Lao Ye's family, and they were caught playing tricks. With the temper of Lao Ye's family, they might not be able to do anything.

Mrs. Tian only yelled, but there was no more sound.

No, won't the chin be removed too, right?

Thinking of this, Wu Lihua became even more startled.

"Xusheng, press the chin of this dog, I want to ask him, what do you want to do to my daughter?"

The men all had sullen faces and ignored Mrs. Wu.

Although this woman's intentions are not righteous, Ye Laicai is even more disgusting.



"To shut up!"

Ye Laiyin was like a black-faced king of hell, he stepped on Ye Laicai who was rolling around, and asked coldly, "Give my daughter a sachet with medicine, what do you want?"

Lao Ye's mind was buzzing, and he felt that his eyes were going black, and his heart was churning like a stormy sea.

This bastard really has a dark heart, not only wanting to calculate the family's money, but also the family's girl, he, why did he give birth to such a beast!

But no matter how wrong the other party was, it was still his own son. Seeing his son who had been loved since childhood suffer, Lao Yetou felt heavy in his heart.

Ye Laicai was already convulsed by the pain, and Ye Laiyin stepped on his chest vigorously. He felt that he could hardly breathe. He just opened his mouth and screamed, but he didn't hear what Ye Laiyin said.

Taking advantage of the gentlemen's full energy on Ye Laicai, Wu quietly gave Qing Xing a few glances, signaling him to step forward to protect her.

The instigated little girl Qing Xing couldn't avoid it, she had no choice but to get closer, but she was so frightened to death.

A group of gentlemen are all living under the king of Hades, as if they want to tear them apart, but not when they were fighting with the old shrew...

"Third Uncle, if you yell again, I'll break one of your fingers, keep yelling, and keep breaking!"

A clear voice sounded, without a trace of temperature, it was icy cold~
Ye Laicai, who was in so much pain that tears and sweat flowed out, shivered subconsciously, and shut his mouth instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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