Chapter 1105 Can You Afford It?
The door of the house was wide open, and the cold wind from outside was blowing into the house, and the side room, which didn't have much warmth, was as cold as an ice kiln.

Ye Laicai was stepped on the cold bluestone bricks, and her heart was frozen, and Wu Shi, who was sitting on the edge of the kang, was not much better. The condensed air tightly surrounded her, which was cold and cold. , the cold was already unbearable, coupled with the fear in her heart, she just felt as if she had fallen into a hole in the ice, and her heart, liver, spleen and lungs were about to freeze.

I don't know if it was because of excessive tension, but the lower abdomen started to ache faintly, and Wu's face became even paler.

"Say, give my daughter a sachet with medicine, what do you want to do?"

Just thinking of someone trying to plot against her daughter, Ye Laiyin was furious, wishing she could trample this brute to death.

Until now, Ye Laicai's exceptionally smart but numb mind, which is a bit painful, can finally function normally.

"What sachet? What medicine? Don't be so damn wronged!"

"Third Uncle thinks it's your stubbornness or the knife in your nephew's hand?"

The candles on the kang table were swayed by the cold wind, and the faint light flickered along with it, almost extinguished, not as bright as the brazier under the window sill.

The light in the room was a faint orange, and the dagger in Ye Xusheng's hand was full of cold light, faint and cold.

This dagger was given to him by Zhang Dongqiang, it is naturally extraordinary, not to mention cutting iron like mud, but it is also extremely sharp~
Wu Lihua's abdominal pain intensified, and she was sweating so much that she couldn't help moaning, "It hurts, it hurts, my husband, our child..."

A group of old men were all stunned.

After reacting, Ye Laicai was anxious and angry, and ignored Ye Xusheng's threat, yelling, "Let go of me, the child of the Wu family made a mistake, can you afford it?"

"Fuck, the Wu family's children are treasures, but Lao Tzu's daughter is nothing, let me let you do the tricks?"

Ye Laiyin saw that he acted so arrogantly, and became even more angry, and couldn't help kicking Ye Laicai's feet fiercely, making him scream like a pig in pain.

Speaking of it, the commotion in the ear room of the upper room was so loud that the Wangs and his wife in the west courtyard could not hear it, but they could hear it in the east and west rooms of the front yard.

Xiao Qian fell asleep early like a dead pig, even thunder would not wake her up, while Xiao Xuyang didn't care about the outside movement even if she was awake, so she slept very soundly.

Ye Feifeng, who was terrified, did not dare to go out to see the enthusiasm, nor did she dare to listen to the voice, so she had to hide in the bed and wrapped herself in the quilt into a silkworm chrysalis.

Old Qian and Ye Guihua's wife in the west wing room had already heard the movement in the ear room, and the screams of Mrs. Tian before, but they could hear clearly.

For a while, I couldn't guess what happened again, which made the gentlemen still toss in the middle of the night, but it was definitely not a good thing to think about.

We are all a family, so we can figure out what kind of temper we have.

The old men in the family are tough, but they are not ruthless, and they will never be ruthless for no reason.

When Ye Laicai's more mournful cry reached the ears of the two, Ye Guihua was trembling with fright, and old Qian was also frightened.

Are all of them crazy?
In the ear room, Lao Yetou saw that Mrs. Wu didn't seem to be pretending, and his heart was extremely heavy, so he ordered the little maid to wake up Mrs. Tian.

Thus, Mrs. Tian, ​​who had been lying in the cold courtyard for a long time, was woken up by Qing Xing desperately, "Mother Tian, ​​Mother Tian, ​​Miss is not feeling well..."

After all, she is still young and not calm enough, plus the men of Lao Ye's family are all fierce, the little girl Qing Xing was already scared to death, but her master also had an accident, she panicked even more.

Now, this rough envoy woman whom she has always looked down upon has become her backbone.

(End of this chapter)

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