The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1106 Who Knows He's a Stupid

Chapter 1106 Who Knows He's a Stupid

Mrs. Tian is really capable, and she has experience in giving birth, and she can hold her breath. After being pinched awake by Qing Xing, she didn't care about her frozen body, and hurriedly ordered the little maid to boil hot water for Mrs. Tang , she herself ran into the house to comfort Mrs. Wu.

But she was cold and cold, and she didn't dare to move forward. She roasted by the brazier for a while before helping Mrs. Wu to lie down.

Long before Mrs. Tian woke up, Ye Laiyin carried Ye Laicai to the main room.

Ye Laicai, who was in grief, was tortured by Ye Laiyin, and the pain was so painful that he almost lost half of his life, but he bit him to death.

"Dog things have a good life, but if you want to rush to eat soft food, if you want to find a kind-hearted family, forget it, discuss it carefully, keep it for them, and give birth to a few fat grandchildren for me, As long as you live a good life, even if you are not in front of me, I will recognize you."

Old Yetou was extremely disappointed, he stared closely at Ye Laicai who was in a state of embarrassment, these thoughts hidden in his heart were still revealed for the first time.

Don't look at what Wu said that day, the Tao is that the first child's surname is Wu, and the other children are all surnamed Ye, but old Yetou instinctively doesn't believe her.

That woman is not easy to talk, she said that at that time, it was just to fool the old woman temporarily.

"I've always thought of you as a sage, smarter than the boss and the second child, but who knows that you are a fool. You dare to provoke such a woman with evil intentions, and you don't know how to die someday!"

Ye Laicai's heart trembled.

He has always known that the Wu family has tricks, and he also faintly felt that something was wrong, so he had no choice but to live his wealthy life...

The old Yetou spoke to Ye Laicai with sincerity, and also wanted to keep him, suppressing the anger and irritability in his heart, saying that as soon as he and the woman were separated, the family would immediately marry him, and then He was assigned to live in Daodong Kuayuan, and he was also given a share of the family's livelihood.

According to his previous thinking, Lao Yetou was going to abandon his son, but after all he couldn't bear to be cruel, so he patiently persuaded him earnestly.

"You have also seen the life at home. The whole Yejia Village has not crossed over. There is a big house, there is a business, there is no need to worry about food and drink, and there is some money. There is no trouble. The family is together safely. Live peacefully..."

Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin still had dark faces, especially Ye Laiyin's eyes were about to burst into flames, so they didn't agree with their father's words.

Similarly, Ye Laicai also remained silent.

He is used to the days when he opens his mouth for food and stretches out his hands for clothes, so he doesn't want to dig food in the dirt.

Moreover, and he has already offended everyone, even his father has been thoroughly offended, which sounds nice, but he just wants to keep him by his side and give birth to a grandson for him.

He was stupid, so he left his eyes to look at the family.

Just when old Yetou's patience was about to run out and he was about to lose his temper, Ye Xusheng brought Mrs. Tian in.

Seeing Ye Laicai, he immediately asked, "How is Mrs. Wu?"

Tian Pozi, who bowed her head and shrugged her shoulders like a sinner, raised her head slightly and said softly, "Miss is asleep."

Ye Laicai was overjoyed, "Is the child okay?"

"Drinking the brown sugar water and hugging Mrs. Tang again, the lady didn't cry anymore."

Seeing how much he cared about Mrs. Wu, Lao Yetou closed his eyes and sighed deeply, feeling like a ball of cotton was stuck in his heart.

"Mother Tian, ​​tell me what's going on with the sachet!"

If the woman hadn't been pregnant, Ye Xusheng would not have been able to bear it, and cleaned it up in the morning.

Although it is not easy to do anything now, he still wants to make things clear.

"The old slave really doesn't know what's wrong with that sachet."

Mrs. Tian lowered her head even lower. She is a poor woman, and she doesn't serve the young lady at all on weekdays. This time, the young lady brought her to Lao Ye's house because of her good food.

Ye Laicai's eyes drifted back and forth, and he quietly sized up Ye Laiyin's face, and said cautiously, "Did the second brother make a mistake? What's wrong with a sachet?"

 Ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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