Chapter 1107

Ye Laiyin snorted coldly, and said gloomyly, "It's easy to handle. I'll ask Dr. Liu to check it out tomorrow, and I'll find out if there's anything weird. There's another way, that is, you wear it and try it."

Ye Laicai choked.

He didn't want to try any method.

After thinking for a moment, although it was a certainty, he still couldn't admit it.

Nothing happened to the left and right maids, and the Wu family has the relationship with the county magistrate and is pregnant, so they dare not do anything to her.

Thinking about it this way, I have enough confidence.

"I'll go to the town to rent a car before dawn tomorrow, and I promise I won't enter Lao Ye's house again."

Lao Yetou, who was sitting on the top, was hit hard, his shoulders collapsed all of a sudden, and his waist was no longer straight.

Although he used to call him a "dog", "unfilial son", "counseling", and "soft bastard", and even punched and kicked him when he was extremely annoyed, now he just said so easily in the future It has nothing to do with Lao Ye's family, how could he not be sad or sad as an old man?

"Damn things!"

The sad old Yetou felt as if all the strength in his body had been sucked away, and he was no longer as strong as before. His old eyes were dimmed, and he looked at him with great disappointment: "My parents raised you, and this is how you repay it." ?”

For a moment, Old Yetou thought cruelly, breaking one of the bastard's legs, and chaining him at home, not allowing him to go anywhere.

After all, I still can't be cruel.

Besides, if he doesn't get along for a day, he is still a member of the Wu family. If the old Ye family insists on staying at home, it will really cause trouble.

Old Yetou was angry, in pain, and hated iron for being weak, and was entangled with all kinds of feelings in his heart, and his chest was extremely tight.

Ye Laicai was dumbfounded.

He obviously hated this eccentric father, but now looking at his always strong father with a sad and lonely expression on his face, his heart actually ached a little.

Ye Laicai was in a trance for a moment, and suddenly felt an extremely cold gaze directed at him like a blade of ice, and couldn't help shivering.

He almost forgot that all these people wanted to tear him apart...

That's it, let's see.

After being beaten one after another all night, Ye Laicai had no good spot on his body. He stood still, and the pain on his body could bear a little bit of pain. If he moved a little, his teeth would crack.

"Son is not filial, father will treat it as if he never gave birth to me as a son."

Ye Laicai endured the discomfort in his body, knelt down in front of the old Yetou with a plop, and kowtowed three times firmly. When he raised his head again, his face, which was originally blue and purple, was red because of his forehead. It becomes more colorful.

Old Yetou gave up completely and said nothing.

Both Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin kept dark faces and did not speak. Ye Xusheng, who was standing at the door, had cold eyebrows and sharp eyes. His cold eyes almost shot through people.

Ye Laicai, who turned around and was about to leave, was frightened when he saw this living Hades blocking the door, but when he saw that the cold dagger was no longer in his hand, he breathed a sigh of relief.

With extreme caution, Ye Laicai took Mrs. Tian out of the room.

In the main hall, it was so quiet that a needle could be heard.

After a while, Old Yetou waved his hand dejectedly, "It's late at night, let's all go back."

Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin didn't say anything and wanted to stay with their father, but they were finally driven away by the old Ye Tou, who just wanted to be alone.

Ye Xusheng stood quietly under the eaves of the east courtyard, looking up at the dark sky. There is no moon or star tonight, and the surroundings are pitch black. He has been standing here for a quarter of an hour, his posture has not changed, and the angle of his gaze has not changed. Change.

I don't know if the second uncle fell asleep or not.

Knowing that He Xiner had been back for so long, she should have fallen asleep.

But he is still worried~
(End of this chapter)

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