The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1108 Are you dumbfounded now?

Chapter 1108 Are you dumbfounded now?
It is said that Ye Laicai originally planned to return to his hometown in good clothes, but he showed off in front of Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin, but it turned out to be counterproductive;

no elation;

Nor did he display his prestige;
Some only have disdainful eyes.

After tossing and tossing these days, the last one ended up walking away in despair.

Hate, of course he hated, he hated everyone in Lao Ye's family, but what happened to the blunt sadness in his heart?

After sending Mrs. Tian to wait on Mrs. Wu, Ye Laicai stood in the front yard in a daze for a while, until a strong cold wind woke him up.

Forget it, he won't be from Lao Ye's family anymore, it doesn't matter at all, that's fine.

With a sneer, Ye Laicai raised his foot to go back to the house, but he glanced at the west wing.

The mother who loved him for many years was there, and of course her favorite daughter.

By coincidence, the person who was going back to the anteroom had unknowingly walked to the door of the west wing.

The two elm doors carved with patterns of flowers and plants were locked with an exquisite brass lock, which he would never be able to open.

Ye Laicai looked at the copper lock expressionlessly, then turned around and took a few steps, opened the barred window outside without any trouble, and crawled in with vigor.

At this time, old Qian Shi and Ye Guihua were already leaning on the kang, and fell asleep in a daze.

"Mother, mother, wake up."

The bewildered old Qian opened his old eyes with difficulty, and with the help of the weak candlelight, he saw clearly that the person in front of him with blue nose and swollen eyes was her youngest son. He was about to yell at him, but Ye Laicai covered him up in time. mouth, motioning her not to yell.

"Tell me the truth, what did you do to make the boss and the second beat you like this?"

Glancing at his sleeping daughter, it was rare for old Qian to stop yelling, and deliberately suppressed his voice to speak.

Ye Laicai squeaked and couldn't say a word.

Just when Old Qian couldn't bear his temper anymore and was about to change his face and get angry, Ye Laicai fell to his knees with a plop.

"Mother, we're leaving tomorrow, I'm afraid we won't see each other again, my son kowtows to you."

After finishing speaking, he kowtowed three times firmly.

Old Qian's face turned pale with shock. "What? You have climbed a high branch, so you don't care about the family anymore? You crawled out of my mother's intestines. Even if you become the son-in-law of the emperor's father, you must be filial to my mother."

Ye Laicai...

He shouldn't have gone through this.

With a sneer, Ye Laicai laughed at himself, "There is no one in the family who wants to see me, so why should I rush to see people's faces?"

"Isn't that why the two of you have made such a fuss through scheming and scheming?"

Old Mrs. Qian was still annoyed at Mrs. Wu, she was always the only one who counted other people's money, but today she was played around and wanted to take advantage of her.

Hmph, are you dumbfounded now?

That's what she thought, and she said the same thing, complaining about Ye Laicai in a rambunctious manner, not forgetting to curse Mrs. Wu fiercely, calling her a black heart.

Ye Laicai was infected by his father's emotions, and it was a rare discovery of conscience that he felt that he was sorry for his parents, so he came to kowtow and kneel to his mother to say goodbye with guilt.

I don't know...

Being scolded so hard, Ye Laicai became impatient again.

"Mother, you don't have to scold me anymore, we'll be leaving tomorrow, and we won't hinder your eyes from now on."

Old Qian choked.

"It's easy to leave, bring the sweet-scented osmanthus. Mrs. Wu personally said that she would make a good marriage with her..."

Then, there was another long list of complaints.

Ye Laicai sneered.

After all, it was all for her daughter.

"Ms. Wu said that she wanted to marry Osmanthus, but you don't believe it. Just because of the second room girl's words, Dad scolded and drove her away. What else can we say?"

Speaking of He Xin'er, Ye Laicai secretly gritted his teeth, wishing he could peel off her skin.

The injuries on his body were all thanks to He Xiner. First, he exposed Wu shi, causing his father to lose face, and then he said that the sachet was weird, causing him to almost lose half his life.

He Xiner's sly smile flashed before his eyes, and Ye Laicai suddenly remembered something.

"Mother repeatedly stopped the girl from the second room to go to the county seat, why on earth?"

(End of this chapter)

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