Chapter 1110 When He Is Stupid
The doors and windows in the West Wing were closed, and old Qian had something in his heart, so he didn't dare to yell loudly even if he was angry. No matter whether he was in the upper room or the East Wing, he couldn't hear anything, but he woke up from his sleep Osmanthus fragrans in leaves.

After he figured out what was going on, he cried for half the night, and the person whose eyes were red and swollen into peaches opened his mouth to cry again, his voice was hoarse and rough, and he was almost unable to yell~
Old Qian's heart immediately felt distressed, and he didn't care about beating Ye Laicai again, so he hurried forward and pressed his voice to comfort him, seeing Ye Laicai sneer constantly, and turned around again to leave.

But when he opened the window and was about to return the same way, old Qian Shi, who was shivering from the cold wind, finally came to his senses and pulled him back again.

Then, Ye Laicai's scalp became numb.

At this time, the old Qian's eyes were so bright that they were strange, crazy, excited, and proud...

In the end, Ye Laicai's eyes gradually brightened, the light was astonishing and very crazy.

And Ye Guihua was stunned...

The old Qian, who has been on the tip of his horns, swore like a madman that he would let his daughter get married in a beautiful way, but the eldest and second room didn't pay for the money, which made the old Qian's teeth itch with hatred, wishing to tear those two unfilial things apart. up.

Naturally, she was also full of anger towards Ye Laicai who plotted against her and played tricks on her.

The only thing she likes is the old girl.

But now for her daughter's marriage, she had to put all her hopes on the third child, because she couldn't let the second child know about it, and since the eldest child and the second child were better friends, naturally she couldn't count on the eldest child.

The only one who can run errands for her is the third child.

Moreover, according to the temperament of the third child who loves to calculate, he will not refuse anything that is profitable.

Naturally, Ye Laicai would not refuse.

He Mansion!
He has also been in the county for some time, so he naturally knows about the He residence.

No wonder, no wonder that girl has an extraordinary bearing...

Haha, it's time for me to prosper!
Ye Laicai couldn't suppress the crazy excitement in his heart, he wanted to run to the top of the mountain and scream.

Old Qian has repeatedly explained that she must, must, must not be discovered by others, and the wealth of her golden grandson must not be cut off.

For this, Ye Laicai was quite disdainful, thinking him stupid.

He would hold on to that cash cow, and it would be for a lifetime.

Haha ...

After he used the money from the He Mansion to buy property and became the master of Ye, he would come back and trample Ye Laiyin's muddy legs under his feet!

Use your son's money to clean up his father, just think about it!

Live it!

Who told you that you don't have eyes, you dare to provoke me.

As for the girl in the second room, she also learned from that bastard Ye Laiyin. If she dares to disgrace him, she deserves to be a village girl for the rest of her life, just waiting to marry a muddy leg!

Haha ...

The more he thought about it, the happier he became, Ye Laicai couldn't help but chuckled, tears streaming down his face.

While old Qian and Ye Guihua were happy, they were worried in various ways, for fear that he would take all the benefits, and kept talking about it a thousand times, and asked him to hurry up and find a good marriage for Ye Guihua.

Ye Laicai's eyes flickered lightly, and he responded happily with rare patience.

All of a sudden, the various rifts between the three mothers disappeared without a trace, and they became extremely intimate and cordial, and they made plans vigorously.

No matter what old Qian said, or Ye Guihua's request, Ye Laicai responded without hesitation, very happy.

Old Qian and his wife are very satisfied.

Needless to say, the joy of old Qian and Ye Guihua, who finally had something to look forward to, felt that the whole Yejia Village could no longer hold it, and there was a kind of pleasure that had already surpassed everyone, as if they were already above people. It's a rich and honorable day when servants and servants are summoned.

It was Ye Laicai who told the two of them to be careful not to let others see that something was wrong.

The couple happily said yes.

In the west wing room, the mother is kind and the son is filial and happy~
(End of this chapter)

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