Chapter 1111 wait

Excited to the extreme, Ye Laicai didn't sleep all night, and just after Yinshi, he walked to the town to rent a mule.

Usually at this time, Ye Xusheng would go to the Zhang family to practice martial arts on time, but before the Wu family and his party left, he would not go anywhere.

Even though Dabai was by He Xiner's side, he was still worried.

At this time, Ye Xusheng hadn't slept all night, and he was still full of energy. He was sitting in front of the desk, holding a book in his left hand, and knocking and knocking on the desk with his right hand~
I was too impulsive yesterday, I didn't think carefully for a while, I should have left the sachet in my hand.

This thing must be dealt with, and he doesn't care if the evidence is not evidence.

But it is necessary to figure out the weirdness inside.

If it wasn't for Dabai's ability, Xin'er might have fallen for the way.

Thinking of this, Ye Xusheng's handsome face turned to ice.

From the second year of junior high school to the present, in just a few days, Xin'er has been tricked twice...

Ye Xusheng's heart was heavy, and his chest seemed to be clogged with a ball of cotton, and he was so stuffy that he couldn't breathe.


It is said that Lao Ye's family has a bullock cart and a mule cart. If Ye Laicai can talk to Lao Yetou, he can drive his own mule cart to town.

Even if Old Yetou was extremely disappointed in him, he would not embarrass him in such a trivial matter.

Ye Laicai didn't want to.

Now he needs to be extremely careful, so that no one can see anything wrong.

He didn't want to have any more contact with anyone from Lao Ye's family.

As for his mother and Ye Guihua, well, just wait!
He remembers those words that scolded him clearly~
When it was just dawn, Ye Laicai had already ordered Mrs. Tian and Qing Xing to tidy up all the things they had brought and loaded them into the rented mule cart, while he also helped Mrs. Wu into another mule cart.

And Tian Pozi and Qing Xing boarded the third mule cart, although the carriage was half-old, but fortunately it was spacious inside, where they could sit comfortably, unlike before when they were squeezed into the master's cart and carried it carefully all the time.

Ye Laicai gave an order, and three mule carts set off in a mighty way, and swaggered out of Yejia Village.

In the first lunar month, there was no need to do farm work, and the weather was cold. Most people got up late, and they were still sleeping on the hot kang at this time, so no one noticed Ye Laosan and his party.

Mrs. Wu was a little suspicious about her husband's big hand, but she didn't ask any more questions.

The one was frightened yesterday, and then caught a cold, and was extremely uncomfortable.Limp with little strength, and no energy to think about anything else.

Mrs. Wu and Qing Xing also had some doubts, but both of them were terrified by the old Ye's family, so they dared not ask anything, especially Qing Xing, who now wished to stay ten feet away from Ye Laicai.

The men in Lao Ye's family are all tough, and a scholar with a refined air can be as cruel as the king of Hades, not to mention this gloomy uncle in her family.


Ye Laicai just left so quietly, except for old Ye Tou, who had dull eyes and a depressed mood, everyone else was doing what they were supposed to do.

But He Xiner felt very keenly that her sister-in-law was often spying on her, and she pretended to look at her casually several times, as if seeing her for the first time.

He Xiner was very confused.

I don't know what's wrong with her sister-in-law.

Not only that, but the most surprising thing is that the couple who were crazy the night before were surprisingly calm this morning, not making a fuss at all.

Moreover, there is no resentment between the eldest and the second wife who have always been "sparing", as if the previous tossings were all illusions.

He Xiner always felt weird.

With the temper of her grandma and sister-in-law, how could she easily compromise?

But, it's a good thing not to bother, and she's not interested in trying to figure out other people's minds.

The cunning Wu family was kicked out, and her grandmother and sister-in-law settled down, and they were barely harmonious.

"Brother Hall, what do you think is so weird about Wu's sachet? What's her idea?
(End of this chapter)

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