The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1112 Don't mention it

Chapter 1112 Don't mention it
After dinner, He Xiner took Dabai to Dongkua Courtyard to talk to the lobby brother.

And Ye Xusheng put his novel on hold for the time being, busy with important matters first.

"Xin'er promised elder brother that no matter where she goes, she will always take Dabai with her, and never leave her. Remember?"

What is Wu's identity and what is his purpose?

Ye Xusheng naturally wanted to find out, but this is not the most important thing now.

The solemn face of the hall brother, Qingming's eyes were staring at her seriously at this time, He Xiner nodded involuntarily, and obediently replied, "Yes, I remember."

With a timid look, black and white clear and moist eyes are pure and clear, looking up at him seriously, as cute as you can be, as cute as you want~
Ye Xusheng's tense expression could no longer be maintained, and softened unconsciously. His eyes, which were originally full of seriousness, were now tender and full of pampering. He patted her on the head and said warmly, "Xin The cutest~"

He Xiner felt a chill.

I couldn't help shaking my shoulders, and the originally obedient person changed his face in seconds, and grinned, "Brother Datang, you are so nasty!"

"Is this coaxing me into being a three-year-old child?"


"Meaty, stinky..."

Ye Xusheng...

No longer able to hold back his laughter, Ye Xusheng couldn't help but smile.

The handsome and handsome sunshine boy, his eyes are like starlight, shining brightly, his smile is as bright as the scorching sun, brilliant and beautiful~
Standing like a magnolia tree,

Smile like a bright moon in your arms.

He Xin'er was immediately amazed, her eyes stared at the little stars, "Who is a young man on the street, with a smile on his face and eyes that is unparalleled in the world; drunk and lying three thousand miles away in the world of mortals, he still remembers the handsome appearance of a gentleman."

"The hall brother is so handsome!"

"Tut, tsk, the kind that blinds people!"

The girl's face was full of admiration, her eyes were full of astonishment, she just praised her generously, but she still felt that she couldn't express her enthusiasm, she smiled sweetly and shouted, "Ahhh, Brother Datang is my idol, my baby is the best!" I adore you!"

Ye Xusheng doesn't know what an idol is, but he doesn't have the heart to think about it now.

A heart was pounding, almost bursting out of his chest.

The heart palpitations are severe, and my head is a little dizzy, like the feeling of being slightly drunk after drinking alcohol, a little excited, a little excited, a little blissful~
"The big hall brother is both civil and military, and he's handsome as hell, alas, after this, I don't know which girl is cheaper..."

Ye Xusheng, who was about to be overwhelmed by the girl's enthusiastic expression, made his heart beat faster and the tips of his ears hot from shyness, now he felt as if someone had poured cold water on his head, the blush on his face quickly receded, and his hazy eyes became clear immediately.

The heart was beating extremely fast, carrying a slight chill, spreading to all limbs and bones.

My heart is as cold as ice.



He Xiner was obviously still excited, and didn't notice anything strange about her cousin.

"Hey, what's wrong with the big hall brother? Are you shy?"

He Xiner giggled, her bright eyes were full of jokes.

"Brother said, don't mention this..."

A slightly hoarse voice, a slightly deep tone, a slightly sad eyes...

The handsome young man who will still be as bright as the moon and full of heroism, now has a gloomy expression, and between his brows, there is a layer of melancholy and melancholy~
He Xiner's eyes widened suddenly.

The hall brother is too weird, he seems to be against getting married, is he a marriage-fearing family?


For some reason, He Xiner suddenly thought too much. Zhang Dongqiang, who had a godlike face, glanced silently at the handsome lobby brother, and swallowed with difficulty.

"That, that, I will remember, don't mention it, don't mention it, and I won't mention it in the future."

He Xiner rolled her eyes, and her eyes wandered around, not daring to look at the obviously suspicious big brother.

(End of this chapter)

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