The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1113 Do You Want To Be So Serious?

Chapter 1113 Do You Want To Be So Serious?
If it was in the past, Ye Xusheng would never have thought about it, but with He Xiner's shocking words last time, and now she has such an obvious guilty look, Ye Xusheng couldn't help feeling instantly.

The little girl is eccentric, she dares to think about anything...

Now it was Ye Xusheng's turn to feel a chill.

Thinking of her shocking remarks, Ye Xusheng's scalp felt numb.

"Don't think about it."

A little bit of reproach and coquettishness mixed in, he regretted it as soon as he said it.

"Uh, uh, don't think about it, don't think about it, hehe..."

No one can hear the perfunctory taste in the dry laughter.

He Xiner was a little embarrassed.

It's all because her mind is spinning too fast, she can't control it!

It seems that being too smart is not a good thing, it is too easy to think about it.

Hey, someone is so immodest.

He Xiner shook her head vigorously, trying to get all those messy images out of her mind.

Ye Xusheng looked funny, patted her on the head, and said with a smile, "Be careful of dizziness."

"Hey, really, why do I feel a little top-heavy."

He Xiner held her head in her hands and swayed here and there in a mischievous manner, her appearance was funny and funny, which made Ye Xusheng laugh a lot.

After arguing for a while, I finally exposed the previous problem.

"Big brother, our novel hasn't been named yet."

"Listen to you."

"It's better for the hall brother to think of a suitable one. The baby is not only a handicapped party, but also a bad name."

Disabled party?
Bad name?
Ye Xusheng frowned.

"Leave the novel in advance, and pause your fairy tale for a while."

"Ah? Why is that?"

"Learn your skills first."

"Ability? What ability?"

He Xiner was amazed.

Ye Xusheng smiled slightly, saying that he had already asked Uncle Zhang to find what he needed, and he believed that it would be useful in a few days.

He also said that from now on, he would teach her some boxing skills.

"For those who practice martial arts, you must be steady. From today onwards, every night, you will be able to squat on horseback and burn a stick of incense."

Obviously, the eldest brother had a plan long ago, and he didn't discuss it with himself.

He Xiner was dumbfounded.

She was afraid of leg cramps.

If you squat for a long time on weekdays, your legs will feel numb, not to mention the soreness.

But now the hall brother actually asked her to squat for a stick of incense?
"Da, big brother, do you want to be so serious?"

He Xiner put on a bitter face and refused.

Ye Xusheng, who has always followed her and never refuted her, is very stubborn and extremely firm.

"Must learn."

Brother Datang, is the instructor possessed? He suddenly became serious, his aura changed, and he even spoke so skillfully.

He Xiner wanted to cry.

"Brother will practice with you."

Although Ye Xusheng knew that she wrinkled her face on purpose, Ye Xusheng still felt a little distressed, but he was ruthless and determined not to let go.

Seeing her drooping and listless, Ye Xusheng's lips curled up slightly, and he patted her head lightly, coaxing her softly.

There was no way for He Xiner to escape, there was no way to hide, so she had no choice but to humbly agree, with an aggrieved look, which made Ye Xusheng both funny and heartbroken.

In fact, He Xiner is not stupid, not only not stupid but also very smart.

She knew that the eldest brother was doing it for her own good, and she was just being lazy, thinking that with Dabai by her side, no one could bully her.

But, but now the eldest brother is very insistent, she must listen.

Come on, you can do it!

He Xiner cheered herself up, she stopped pretending to be pitiful, stood up and moved vigorously, and challenged her physical limit with full energy.

Well, kind of like that.

However, face slaps always come too fast, people are caught off guard, under the guidance of the lobby brother, squat down in a standard posture, one, two, three... ten, ten, nineteen, two, two, twenty ...

so tired!

He Xiner wanted to cry.

(End of this chapter)

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