The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1114 This thing is too scary

Chapter 1114 This thing is too scary

"Big brother, I, I can't hold on anymore..."

He Xiner pouted her cherry red mouth and wrinkled her little face, like a doormat. Yes, she had a pitiful appearance, which made people feel a little pitiful.

"Stop talking and concentrate."

He Xiner...

Isn't this a fake big brother?
Lying in the kennel, Dabai, who had slept soundly, looked at his master with great interest, a smile flashed across his black and white eyes.

"Big brother, baby, baby can't hold on anymore, ouch..."

Her legs were so sore and trembling that she seemed about to fall at any moment, He Xin'er blushed and tried her best to maintain her balance, but things didn't go as planned. Now not only her legs were shaking, but even her arms were struggling to lift. Shaking, shaking...

It's better not to speak, but when she opened her mouth, her tense body seemed to have lost an important support, and she immediately lost her breath. He Xiner exclaimed, and she was about to rush forward.

In the next second, she was picked up by Ye Xusheng, who had quick eyesight and quick hands.

"Xin'er, are you okay?"

"Hey, except for my legs that are about to cramp, everything else is fine."

Ye Xusheng stared at the young girl who was still in high spirits, now her soft and innocent eyes looked like a ignorant cub, her heart was so soft that Ye Xusheng couldn't hold it anymore, "Brother, rub it for you~"

"Hey, thank you big brother."

Someone smiled cutely.

Ye Xusheng's heart softened, and he carried him to the kang in the inner room.

He Xiner smiled and pulled up the smoky blue horse-face skirt, revealing her slender legs wearing thin cotton trousers.

Ye Xusheng's heart skipped a beat.

A little flustered.

"Oh, learning martial arts is really hard. After squatting for a while, the baby is exhausted, and the legs are filled with lead..."

Ye Xusheng immediately came back to his senses, calmed down, and gently kneaded her.

"How do you feel? Is it better?"


Soft whispers, mosquitoes humming yes, barely audible.

Ye Xusheng looked up, and saw that He Xiner had already dozed off and fell asleep.

It was kind of funny right now.

He took out a thin quilt and covered her, wiped his hands and face with warm water, then gently detached her hair, and combed her locks with a jade comb.

The long black and smooth hair, soft and slippery, gently passed through Ye Xusheng's fingers, entangled in his heart...

In the next few days, no matter how pitiful He Xiner was, Ye Xusheng would very seriously supervise her time to finish squatting for a stick of incense, and then practice boxing and kicking for half an hour.

He Xiner was so tired that her whole body fell apart. Yes, she was sluggish every day, and her legs trembled when she walked.

"what is this?"

After dinner that day, He Xiner took Dabai to Dongkua Courtyard as usual, and as soon as he sat down and had a cup of tea, Ye Xusheng went to the inner room to pick up two books that looked rather old.

He Xiner was very curious.

"open to take a look."

He Xiner flipped through the pages, and found that the book had turned yellow and there were no words on it, looking very mysterious.

After opening the inside, he frowned first.

"This is a manuscript book. It looks very precious, but the words are a bit scribbled!"

"Well, it's a bit scribbled."

Ye Xusheng had a serious face.

He Xiner stared at him suspiciously, "What kind of book is this?"

"The Poison Classic written by a master poison user."

He Xiner's eyes widened in disbelief, and she stammered, "Could it be, could it be that Brother Tang wants me to learn how to make drugs?"

"No, no, I can't learn this, this thing is too scary!"

Suddenly thought of something, He Xiner jumped up with a whoosh, threw the book in her hand on the desk, and then hurried away from the scene, running faster than a rabbit.

Of course, he didn't go far, he went from Ye Xusheng's study to the bedroom through the main hall.

(End of this chapter)

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