The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1116 An Expert Is An Expert

Chapter 1116 An Expert Is An Expert
When He Xiner settled down with her Dabai ancestor and sat back at the desk to hold up the old "Poison Classic", she still couldn't help but tremble.

Poison hey~
Resentment, bitterness, cruelty, insidiousness, viciousness, viciousness, poisonousness, poisonous killing...

A series of poisonous words scrambled into her mind, He Xiner's scalp became numb again, her fair and tender face became even paler at this time, she tremblingly looked at the silent big brother, pouted pitifully , blink blink blink~
"Learning this Poison Sutra does not mean that you are proficient in making poison, but that you learn how to defend against poison."

Ye Xusheng's meaning is very simple. It's okay not to learn how to make poisons, but you must be able to recognize and recognize poisons. Tao has already entrusted Uncle Zhang to find out some common poisons. When the time comes, they will all learn to smell and distinguish poisons, but theoretical knowledge must also be mastered , Some medicinal herbs for poisoning also need to be known...

Common Poisons?
Why does it sound as casual as saying 'common pastries in the market'?
What a terrifying thing it would be if the poison was flooded.

He Xiner was completely distracted.

"Xin'er, did you hear what elder brother said?"

"Huh? What did the big hall brother just say?"

"I said that the medicinal herbs prepared by Uncle Zhang will arrive in the next day."

He Xiner felt strange in her heart, looked at him with some confusion, opened her mouth, and didn't know how to speak.

"What do you want to say? What is there to hide from Big Brother?"

Seeing the little girl's troubled face, Ye Xusheng couldn't help but reach out and pat her on the head, smiling gently.

"Actually, it's nothing, just, I just feel that Uncle Zhang is omnipotent..."

Ye Xusheng pursed his lips lightly, but did not respond to this question.

There was a movement in my heart.

On the first day of junior high school, he thought that Dong Qiang had something to say, but he didn't say anything.

"Hey, Uncle Zhang and Big Brother Zhang won't harm us after all, don't think about those."

"Xin'er said so."

So, continue to do business and read books.

With confidence in her mind, He Xiner no longer resisted, and immediately put on an appearance of humbly studying, carefully flipped through the yellowed book in her hand, with pious eyes and a correct attitude, and solemnly flipped through seven or eight pages.

Then, Youyou sighed with a heavy face, "An expert is an expert, it's fine to play drugs and play around, and the handwriting is very chic, like flying dragons and phoenixes, really wild and free and easy, the only shortcoming is that I can't read it." ! Tsk, tsk..."

Ye Xuchang couldn't hold it anymore, and laughed out loud~
He Xiner no longer put on an air, she giggled coquettishly, like a cunning little fox.

After eating and drinking, Dabai went to the kennel in the morning and was bored. Hearing the hearty and crisp laughter of the two, he also found it interesting, and listened carefully to the excitement with his ears closed.

Just like that, both of them temporarily put down the unfinished books in their hands, and concentrated on studying the Laoshizi Poison Sutra.

For the convenience of He Xiner's reading, Ye Xusheng re-copied the copy by himself. The neat and tidy lower case letters are easy to read and read.

Even if he is familiar with her temperament, Ye Xusheng will still be red-faced by her straightforward expression, and his heart will beat faster~
Every time at this time, sweetness and bitterness will be entangled and hit my heart at the same time...

In other words, Ye Xusheng was still on his annual leave at this time, and the two had always been close, even if they stayed together every day, no one thought much about it.

There really wasn't.

Now Ye Guihua knows the biggest secret of the old Ye family, and when she sees the intimate appearance of the two talking and laughing, she feels a little weird.

Especially the way her eldest nephew looked at Er Yatou, it was so soft that it was about to drip water...

As a result, the strange feeling in Ye Guihua's heart became more intense.

"Brother Hall, have you noticed that my sister-in-law's eyes are very, very strange when looking at people?"

(End of this chapter)

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