Chapter 1117 What did you say

This night, the squatting, boxing and kicking exercises were still carried out indoors as usual.

Although Ye Xusheng wanted to exercise He Xiner's physical fitness, he didn't really want her to suffer. The cold wind was howling outside and it was bitingly cold, so he wouldn't let the little girl run outside to suffer.

It's just that those who simply stretch their arms and legs indoors just learn boxing routines, which is just a show.

Obviously, He Xiner's strength is too weak, her hands and feet are not strong enough.

Just this made her tired.

So, Ye Xusheng became more cruel, and then he became more cruel, saying that when the weather warmed up, he took her into the mountains for a run at night, and He Xiner wanted to cry but had no tears.

I can't wait for a big snowstorm to seal the mountain.

But that's impossible. Today is the fourteenth day of the first lunar month, the weather is fine during the day, the bright sun is shining warmly on the earth, and it is also warm on people's bodies. She even took Xiao Xuyang to play in the yard for a long time.

Her grandfather had already arranged for the fifteenth day to be overturned and the vegetable shed was plowed to plant potatoes.

And their doll workshop is about to start, her father, uncle and uncle Guan have already arranged for the raw materials.

Although it is not yet fifteen, many people have already started looking for work. According to her father, shops have opened in the town.

Oh, today his father hired a helper woman from the tooth shop, Mrs. Cao, she said she was a woman, but in fact she was only 30 years old, and she was a very agile woman.

Originally, their family was looking for a farmer who only worked during the day, and didn't need someone to take care of him at night. He just helped with cooking, washing clothes, cleaning and so on.

But it is hard to find out, people from Yejia Village are not good, and it is too far away from Yejia Village, so it is not convenient to work.

It is said that Mrs. Cao was abandoned by her husband's family because of infertility. Her natal brothers and sisters-in-law were not tolerated, so she had no choice but to go out to work.

That is to say, it is natural to eat and live in the host's house.

Now she is arranged in the west wing of the front yard, in the suite opposite her sister-in-law across the main hall.

The meal tonight was cooked by her mother with Mrs. Cao, and it tastes good.

At the dinner table, her grandma was holding an airs to instigate the Cao family around. At that time, she was talking and laughing with the eldest brother, when she was suddenly startled by her grandma's harsh and arrogant scolding. When she looked up, she happened to see her sister-in-law. The strange light was different from the gaze of the previous few days.

"What does Xin'er want to say?"

"Why do I feel that my sister-in-law looks at me so creepily? Could it be because my father didn't pay for the money that he hated my father, and also hated me by the way?"

With her sister-in-law's personality, this setting definitely did not wrong her.

He Xiner sighed helplessly, "Sister-in-law is really too naive and simple, she is an ordinary village girl, how can she have the courage to be the young mistress of a wealthy family?"

"As the saying goes, the ignorant are fearless. It's so easy to be a big family..."

Ye Xusheng gently massaged He Xiner's shoulder and remained silent.

He has no doubt that Ye Guihua will hate Erfang and Xin'er.

It's okay to be noisy, if he dares to plot against Xin'er, he will not just sit idly by, but thinking about it, with Dabai around, be it his grandma or sister-in-law, he would not dare to bully Xin'er at will.

Ye Xusheng glanced into the bedroom and followed Dabai, who was obediently eating pastries.

If the stupid dog eats like this again, it will become a ball of fat!

Dabai, who was happily enjoying the dessert, was quite displeased by his clear gaze, and silently turned around, giving him a round buttocks to admire.


Ye Xusheng snorted coldly.

"Big brother, what did you say?"

Soft murmur, fluttering~
He Xin'er, who was pampered by her parents, was delicate and tender, and she was exhausted from exercising for an hour a day. She couldn't say a few words, and fell asleep. She didn't go back to her room for the past few days.

(End of this chapter)

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