The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1120 Can be regarded as familiar

Chapter 1120 Can be regarded as familiar

The sky is bright and the air is clear, the wind is smooth, and the blue sky is as clear as washing water~
Such fine weather is the most suitable for going out and playing.

Ye Mancang, who was full of joy, was full of energy and high spirits. From time to time, he glanced at the majestic Dabai, and grinned happily.

He is very rare for Dabai, and rarely has the opportunity to play with Dabai on weekdays.

Now he is driving a tall and strong mule cart, and he also has a majestic and handsome Dabai, not to mention the beauty in his heart~
Speaking of which, his family's money is not too old or young, but because there is no separation, it is not good to be too ostentatious, and it is fine to build a house. After all, a person who is going to marry a wife cannot still be crowded with a group of bastards.

But it is not convenient to buy mule carts and bullock carts.

He was originally a very interested person, but when he thought of getting married, the smile on his face faded.

Dabai keenly sensed the changes in his aura, and squinted at him, but Ye Mancang saw him squarely, and suddenly became interested again.

Hey, Dabai admires him very much~
As a result, Dabai looked over more curiously, and Ye Mancang was even happier, "Dabai, let's have a discussion and go up the mountain with our brothers tomorrow, okay?"

Obviously he has a tough temper, and he is used to talking in a loud voice on weekdays, but he insists on suppressing his voice, speaking gently and softly, which is already deliberate, but he doesn't feel the same, and he is afraid that he won't be able to persuade him. The other party, unconsciously, with a sense of flattery~
He Xin'er in the carriage couldn't help but burst out laughing, which made Wang and the others laugh out loud.

Ye Mancang, who was made fun of, was not annoyed, and simply entangled him tightly, hugging Dabai sideways, with a gesture of "Brothers are good", he laughed and said, "Let's make a deal like this."

There was another burst of laughter in the carriage behind him, and Ye Mancang was beaming with joy.

Along the way, laughter and laughter continued, and soon arrived in the town.

Ye Laiyin and the others fell far behind without seeing a single shadow. Ye Mancang asked, "Second Aunt, do you want to wait for Second Uncle, my father and the others?"

Mrs. Wang intended to wait, but before she could speak, she was preempted by Mrs. Liu, and said with a smile, "Your father and the others are familiar with the way, so we don't need anyone to take them with us. Let's just go."

Ye Mancang happily responded, and went straight to Taifeng Building without stopping.

Guan Xiuyuan had already made preparations. As soon as the mule cart arrived at the front door, a young man warmly greeted it, and asked to stop at the side door, unload the carriage, and feed the animals.

The female relatives took Dabai out of the car at the front door, perhaps because Guan Xiuyuan was busy and didn't come out to greet them, but another enthusiastic young man said to invite them to the second floor.

Don't look at Guan Xiuyuan who has been the shopkeeper in Taifeng Tower for many years, but this is the first time Mrs. Liu has come back. She is a bit cautious like Wang Liu and Mrs. Bai, but today is her family's treat, so she naturally wants to greet her.

"Sister-in-law, siblings, let's go in."

He smiled and told his daughter, "Zhi'er greets Miss Xin and Girl Yuanyuan."


"Aunt Liu, you're welcome, we've all been here before, so we're familiar with it, hehe."

"Hey, there are quite a lot of people here today."

The three beautiful little girls were all elated, all of them were smiling, they almost looked straight at the young man who was welcoming them, and their hearts were pounding nervously.

My mother, these three little girls are all very good-looking, and people can't take their eyes off just one, let alone three, I don't know which one to look at~
Infected by the three of them, Liu Shi, Wang Shi, and Bai Shi also relaxed, no longer inexplicably tense, all smiling, and generously followed the boy up to the second floor.

After entering the private room, I was almost blinded by the rich and gorgeous carpet on the floor, so I regained my caution and stepped lightly, as if I was afraid that an accidental step would damage the carpet.

(End of this chapter)

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