The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1121 As long as there is delicious food, it will be successful

Chapter 1121 As long as there is delicious food, it will be successful
To put it bluntly, Ye Laiyin now has a house and owns a neat and tidy yard, which is the only pomp in the entire Ye Family Village.

Brand-new houses with blue bricks and gray tiles, elegant and atmospheric furniture, fish ponds and gazebos in the yard, and various flowers throughout the year...

Then, Ye Shitian's family built a dignified and dignified courtyard house. Although there is no fish pond or pavilion, it is one of the best in the countryside.

Only Guan's house is still the original house, there is no new construction, but it is not shabby either.

Wang Shi, Liu Shi, and Bai Shi can be regarded as women with certain vision, but they were still shocked by the luxurious and grand interior decoration.

The round table, bogu shelf, Luohan bed and other furniture made of red rosewood are classic, dignified, elegant and extravagant.

The three members of the Wang family were obviously less interested in the precious wood than the exquisite patterns carved on it, and they all admired it with bright eyes;
All three of them dared not take a closer look at the porcelain ornaments on the ancient racks, and gave up after looking carefully at them from a distance of three or four feet. Be careful, lest you speak too loudly and shake those fragile items down;
The three people are most interested in a double-sided embroidered screen six feet high and three feet wide. The patterns of flowers and birds are lifelike, and the embroidery is exquisite and meticulous.

In addition to this exquisite double-sided embroidered screen, the most rare thing for the three of them is the big red carpet embroidered with golden auspicious cloud patterns under their feet. It was the first time they saw such a luxurious and luxurious object, and the three of them were a little reluctant to step on it...

The young man withdrew after leading them in. The men and the gentlemen hadn't arrived yet. At this time, only the three mother and daughter were there. It was also because of this that the three Wangs were able to let go and take a closer look.

He Xiner, Guan Cuizhi and Ye Yuanyuan were already laughing and joking on the Luohan bed in the inner room, while Dabai was sitting obediently by the side, squinting his eyes to watch the fun.

The girls were happy with them, and the three mothers were still looking around curiously.

"Hey, I really opened my eyes today..."

"I reckon that big families are all decorated like this..."

"Rich people just enjoy..."

The three women who have been married for many years are usually dignified and seldom let go of their laughter. Now they are all smiling like flowers, with bright eyes, chatting with each other. Don't mention it, it's like returning to the innocent girlhood~
After a while, Ye Mancang also came upstairs, and before his father arrived, he went to the Bogu shelf to have a look, even if he didn't understand, it wouldn't delay his joy, his eyes were bright Some of them were almost glued to the porcelain, and they were grinning and grinning so that they didn't get behind their ears.

After the young man knocked on the door and came in to serve hot tea, Mrs. Liu dragged Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Bai to their seats, chatting and laughing while drinking tea and waiting for all the gentlemen.

"My father is really strange. He clearly promised to meet us at the door, but he hasn't seen anyone yet."

Guan Cuizhi saw that the boy's tea was served and her father hadn't shown his face yet, so she couldn't help feeling a little puzzled.

"Uncle Guan must be busy. There are quite a few guests on the first floor. When we went up to the second floor, I heard voices in a room inside. I thought they would all have guests on the second floor."

"What Xin'er said is that in such a big restaurant, there are many things to do. It's normal for Uncle Guan to be busy. We are all on our own, so we don't need to be so polite..."

Before all of Ye Yuanyuan's empathetic remarks fell silent, she changed her face and said with a smile, "As long as there is something delicious, I only drank half of it for breakfast. A bowl of porridge..."

Both He Xiner and Guan Cuizhi couldn't help but laughed and teased her, "Little greedy cat is ashamed, ashamed, ashamed..."

(End of this chapter)

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