The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1122 Is this chapter true?

Chapter 1122 Is this true?

Just as they were laughing and laughing, Ye Shitian, Ye Laiyin, Zhang Tieniu, and Ye Xusheng had already driven the ox cart to Taifeng Building, and the young man invited them into the private room, and served tea again.

Everyone was here, but Guan Xiuyuan hadn't shown up yet, so Liu felt a little sorry, so she asked the young man, "Where's your shopkeeper?"

"Our host is entertaining distinguished guests, and the shopkeeper will go to entertain one or two, and he will be here soon."

"Is the distinguished guest you mentioned also on the second floor?"

Hearing about her father, Guan Cuizhi hurried out of the room to her mother, and asked the young man curiously.

A beautiful girl with a sweet voice, listening to the boy's ears, the whole body is about to go cold, and seeing a pair of beautiful almond eyes, the boy feels his heart is about to jump out.

"Yes, yes, it's on the second floor, in the largest and most luxurious private room at the end of the corridor."

"The biggest and most luxurious? Prettier than this room?"

"Yes, it is."

Guan Cuizhi immediately became interested and smiled more kindly.

"Thank you."

Such a beautiful little girl, talking to him tenderly, the boy felt like a villain was beating a drum in his heart, he was flustered by the beating, and he was almost unable to speak, but fortunately, the other party ended it soon Talk, or he will lose his composure.

After leaving the private room, the boy couldn't help muttering to himself, the little girl really deserves to be the daughter of their shopkeeper, she looks like a flower, she's really pretty.

"Who are you talking about?"

A deep voice sounded, which startled the young man. It turned out that he was just thinking about things with his head down, and almost bumped into the guest.

And the man in gorgeous brocade clothes in front of him is not someone to provoke.

"Hi Mr. Pan."

Mr. Pan, as the boy said, was about twenty years old, with a thin face and slashed cheeks, a pair of slanting eyes, and a pair of sinister eyes. Make a sample.

This man is very tall, a head taller than the boy, and he is staring at him with condescending eyes, holding a folding fan in his right hand and tapping it on the palm of his left hand, and said coldly, "Who did you just say looks like a flower?" yes?"

The little guy shrank his neck, he was just talking casually, why did this ghost listen to him.

"Back to Mr. Pan, I just saw a beautiful woman walking in front of the restaurant upstairs."

Pan Mingwei squinted his eyes, looked him up and down in disbelief, and realized that he didn't hear the other person's words clearly, but he was just a waiter in the shop, so he wasn't worthy of his attention, and it was when this kid almost bumped into him that he realized what he was saying. When he was concentrating on preparing to kick someone, he listened to a story by the way.

So I didn't care about kicking people anymore, so I asked first before talking.

It looks like a flower, yes?
Could it be that there are beauties in Pingning Town that he doesn't know about?

"Hmph, are you serious?"

"I dare not deceive Young Master Pan."

"get out."


The little guy hurriedly bowed and saluted, and then went downstairs cautiously.

Pan Mingwei stood at the end of the corridor and slowed down a little, tapping the folding fan in his hand with heavy eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Someone was clearly in the room to his right, but no voice could be heard.

The people who can eat on the second floor of Taifeng Building are those who have a reputation in the town, so it is not easy to break in casually.

That's all~
Pan Mingwei put away his folding fan and strode towards the end of the corridor.

Before he had gone far, he heard the door of the room behind him open with a "squeak", and at the same time a series of hearty laughter came out, very heroic, like a martial arts practitioner.

"Zhi'er, don't run around."

"I'm going to see Dad, I'll be right back."

Sweet voice, very gentle, very gentle~
Pan Ming, who was in front of him, stopped mightily, and turned around slowly, beating on his folding fan.

(End of this chapter)

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