Chapter 1123 Did You Call Me?

In the slightly dim light, a girl in a bright yellow jacket walked towards him lightly, with various looks and manners~
When she got closer, her picturesque delicate eyebrows and eyes became more and more clear, almond eyes, black eyebrows, Qiong nose and cherry lips, which were amazingly beautiful;

Snow-like skin, as white as jade, should be skin like creamy skin, icy muscles and fine bones;
The girl who looks like a flower bone is so beautiful, so beautiful, so beautiful, so beautiful that it makes people ecstasy...

Rao Pan Mingwei, who hangs around the flowers and is used to seeing all kinds of beauties, was also deeply amazed by her, and felt his heart beating wildly.

He was really moved.

Although he never knew what sincerity was, he had the idea of ​​marrying a wife and having children at this moment.

Guan Cuizhi looked curiously at the person who looked like a log, standing motionless, slowly passing by.


"Did you call me?"

Sweet and soft, like a feather gently across Pan Mingwei's heart, itchy~
"This big brother has something to ask the waiter, I may not be able to help you."

Seeing that this person was dumbfounded, like a fool, Guan Cuizhi kindly gave him an idea, and turned around with a smile.


At this moment, the door of the extra-large room at the end of the corridor opened, and the elegant Guan Xiuyuan came out. Guan Cuizhi's eyes lit up, and she ran over coquettishly.

"Run slower and fall carefully."

Hearing his daughter's voice, Guan Xiuyuan squinted his eyes happily, smiling like a spring breeze, refreshing and pleasant, and subconsciously increased his steps to meet his little padded jacket.

"Close the shopkeeper."

Guan Xiuyuan's heart trembled.

Only caring about his precious little padded jacket, he didn't notice this ghost.

"Mr. Pan."

Guan Xiuyuan patted Guan Cuizhi who was running up to her, and signaled her to stop talking. He changed his angle and stood in front of his daughter.

"Mingyuexuan has already been prepared, and the master has been waiting for you for a long time, Mr. Pan please."

Obviously, he wasn't going to lead the people himself.

Pan Mingwei took a deep look at him, and smiled softly, "Okay."

He only said a good word, and without further words, he simply lifted his feet and walked to the largest room at the end of the corridor.


"Zhi'er, don't run around alone again, you understand?"

"Oh, I see."

Hearing the voice of the baby's little padded jacket pretending to be coquettish and timid, Guan Xiuyuan couldn't help laughing, "My daughter will play tricks with dad, haha..."

"Hee hee, hurry up, Dad, Yuanyuan can't wait!"

"Father, you seem to be in a hurry, right?"

"My daughter has been looking forward to it~"

"Father, what did you say about Ming Yue Xuan, what is the name of the room where we eat?"

"Ming Lan Xuan"

"Sounds good~"

The father and father returned to Ming Lanxuan while talking affectionately.

Guan Xiuyuan hurriedly apologized to the big guy, he didn't greet well, everyone didn't care, they were all his own, so he didn't pay much attention.

"Brother Guan may have to drink a few more drinks, haha..."

Seeing his persistent politeness, Zhang Tieniu couldn't help joking, which made everyone laugh.

Now it was finally full, and it was noon, Guan Xiuyuan hurriedly ordered the back kitchen to serve the dishes after a few polite words.

The women and girls are arranged in the inner room, and the men and gentlemen are in the outer room, which is convenient for everyone.

The size of the inner room is almost the same as that of the outer room. There is a red rosewood Eight Immortals table covered with a brocade forged tablecloth, and three mother and daughter sit around without any crowding.

The round table in the outer room is larger, with six gentlemen sitting around, it is very spacious.

Guan Xiuyuan was grateful to Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin for how much they took care of their Guan family. Whether it was wild fruit or doll business, they brought his family a lot of money.

But Zhang Tieniu was very righteous, and accompanied the three of them to the prefectures and county towns, but they didn't bother with their own business, relying entirely on Zhang Tieniu's way, and sold all the dolls at once.

The most important thing is that the three of his family wanted to express something, but Zhang Tieniu didn't want anything. It was really touching and I don't know what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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