Chapter 1124

Guan Xiuyuan had long wanted to invite his family to have a lively meal, but because everyone was busy, he never had the chance.

Now, he is finally free and happily gathered together, he is naturally very happy, and the food he prepares should be as rich and rich as possible, as grand as it should be.

At the table of the gentlemen, not to mention the dishes, there are all kinds of chicken, duck and fish, but there are only three kinds of drinks, Fenjiu, Zhuyeqing, and ten-year-old daughter red;
At the table of women and maids, there are many same dishes, and there are four dishes of snacks, six dishes of dried fruit, and a jar of wine;
Seeing such a warm and grand reception, everyone shouted for money. Guan Xiuyuan smiled and said that he had been busy talking about it for a year and earned a lot of money, but he never had a chance to celebrate.

Today's banquet is not only a celebration of last year's harvest, but also a kick-off wine for this year.

Everyone laughed.

All said he was right.

Rabbit fur has already been bought, and black crystal and red agate will be purchased when the women start work.

With the previous experience of dolls, the big guy is very optimistic about the prospect of pretending to be a dead rabbit.

Cheerfully imagined, the big guys happily toasted and drank, needless to say, the gentlemen, they drank so refreshedly, even Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Bai drank quite a lot under Mrs. Liu's kind hospitality. .

As for He Xiner, Ye Yuanyuan, and Guan Cuizhi, they didn't have to give in. They were all greedy cats, happily holding beautiful crystal cups, drinking happily while being amazed.

It really tasted so good that the three of them were almost drunk.

A banquet, all guests are happy.

After the meal, the big guys drank tea and chatted happily, and they didn't get up to leave until it was almost time to apply.

The windows of Mingyuexuan were wide open, and the cold wind blew on Pan Mingwei's body, but he still stood motionless.

He had been standing for almost an hour, during which time he kept staring at the bluestone brick road in front of Taifeng Building, which made his eyes sore.

At this moment, a big white dog with a little calf suddenly jumped into his sight.

"Hey baby, wait for us~"

A crisp and delicate voice sounded from downstairs, and Pan Mingwei was refreshed.

This voice is obviously not the beloved daughter of Guan's family, but it does not delay his good mood.

Thinking of the fairy-like appearance of the girl from the Guan family, the lady she met must also be a person of Zhong Lingyuxiu.

The general has inquired him clearly. Today, the shopkeeper Guan is the host, and he has invited several good ones to dinner. It is said that there are many female relatives.

At this time, the only ones who came out of the restaurant were the girl Guan and others.

Thinking about it, he felt better.

Sure enough, as soon as that charming voice fell, a sweet and soft voice was heard, "Look at you, you are like a drunk cat. You smell of alcohol all over your body, so I must despise you."

There was a spring breeze blowing in Pan Mingwei's heart, his skinny cheeks were hot, his eyes were no longer cold and cold, but softened rarely.

That beautiful girl was wearing a light green cloak at this time, she was slim, dignified and elegant, just a beautiful figure had already captivated his soul.

The mule cart downstairs had faded out of sight, and Pan Mingwei was still standing there stupidly, motionless...


It is said that all members of the second room of the old Ye family were mobilized and kidnapped Ye Xusheng to go to the town to have a banquet. They had a leisurely time for a few hours, and when they came back, they were still smiling happily, which shows that they had a very happy meal.

Old Qian and Mrs. Ye Guihua were full of opinions.

Xiaoqian and Ye Feifeng's stomachs were sour.

So, some people wanted to find fault.

Of course it wasn't Xiaoqian's wife, their mother and daughter dared not confront Erfang head-on, who told Ye Laiyin to be too strong.

In the west wing room, Mrs. Qian and Mrs. Ye Guihua muttered to each other all afternoon, Mrs. Cao was sent to do some work by her couple, so they did not shy away from talking.

Ye Guihua was worried at first, she was most afraid that Ye Laicai would get the benefits and swallow it all by himself, old Qian comforted her repeatedly, saying that it was impossible, and said that it would take a lot of thought to do it safely.

It's easy to talk about it, but finally coaxed Ye Guihua to stop talking about it.

"Mother, that girl is not from our old Ye's family, so the second room's money can't be cheap for her!"

(End of this chapter)

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