The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1134 When We Are All Stupid

Chapter 1134 When We Are All Stupid

"I'm itching to see you bitch!"

Hearing her daughter's words, old Qian jumped up from the kang as if being pricked by a needle, and rushed towards little Qian like a hungry wolf, stretching out his skinny claws to scratch her face...

At this moment, Ye Laiyin came to call for someone, and said that his father had something to ask.

The old Qian who was full of hostility lost his temper all of a sudden, she was really afraid that old Yetou would settle accounts with her.

Little Qian, who was screaming to escape, escaped a catastrophe.

Ye Laiyin listened to the commotion inside in the yard, then turned and left with a blank expression on his face.

The old Qian's family had a good idea, but they took it for granted. How could the eldest grandson of the old Ye's family be tricked by them.


In the upper room, old Qian's brows were drooping and he picked up the quail, but he was still scolded bloody by old Yetou and told her to send him away.

Old Qian's murmured and couldn't give a valid reason, and finally was forced to worry, and said that the girls of the Wang family could live in Lao Ye's house, and so could the girls of the Qian family.

Ye Laiyin sneered, "Mother talks about the Qian family, don't involve the Wang family."

"Don't talk about the rations that the Wang family prepared for Ling girl, just say that our second room added game and meat to the public. Even if we raise an extra girl, it doesn't take advantage of the public at all. No one can pick it out. Come."

"Mother, there's no need to talk about it. What is the Qian family's plan now? They think we are all stupid, why don't we understand?"

Qian Xiaohe and Qian Xiaomi were driven away to the big room by Lao Yetou, in order to keep out of sight and out of mind.

It was also because of the absence of the two that Ye Laiyin spoke so bluntly. Although he had a lot of opinions on the old Qian's family, he couldn't say anything to the two little girls.

Ye Laijin hugged the youngest son in his arms, and stared at his mother gloomyly, "With these two girls at home, mother is afraid that Sheng'er will be too quiet?"

Old Qian's lungs were about to explode!
She, the person who is in charge of the house, is getting less and less status. Although she doesn't take it seriously, it's not a big deal, but it's just two more girls.

All of them want to eat her, or what?

"My mother is the head of the family, so I just left my two grandnieces to stay at home for a few days. Your fathers are so disrespectful and forced my mother to send her back. This is a slap in the face of my mother!"

"Hey, I'm not alive anymore, all the unfilial things are going to kill my mother..."

Hey, if you can't say it and just slap, it's no one.

With a dark face, Ye Laijin picked up his youngest son and walked away.

Seeing this, Ye Laiyin didn't care about it and left directly.

There are only the old couple in the upper room.

Facing Lao Yetou's dark face, Lao Qian suddenly got stuck and couldn't continue to make trouble.

"I will give you ten days at most. If you don't send me away by then, I will divorce you!"

Lao Yetou also knew that it was unrealistic to send people back immediately. Their Lao Ye family wanted face, unlike the old Qian family who were shameless, so they set a deadline of ten days.

Old Qian groaned secretly, but he didn't dare to bump his head against Lao Ye.


The brothers Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin were too busy to attend to hunting. The game at home had been cut out for more than ten days, but the meat hadn’t been cut off, especially Dabai’s favorite meat and bones. The price was not high and it was a good deal. When I came back from the town, I couldn't find anyone selling meat and bones, young or old.

No, before noon, Mrs. Wang arranged for Mrs. Cao to make a big pot of meat and bones early, just to sacrifice Dabai's teeth.

And because of the arrival of her niece, Mrs. Wang cooks in person, and together with Mrs. Cao, they prepared several meat dishes, including braised pork, fried crispy pork, pan-fried meat pie, and boiled sliced ​​pork;
At three o'clock in the afternoon, Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Cao prepared the meals, and all kinds of aromas filled the dining room, making people salivate uncontrollably.

(End of this chapter)

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