Chapter 1135

It was the time when Ye Xusheng was leaving school at this time. As soon as the meals were set, Ye Xusheng lifted the curtain and entered the upper room.

At this time, He Xiner was taking Wang Jinling's little friend to feed Dabai in the kitchen. The rest of Lao Ye's family had already taken their seats, and Qian Xiaohe and Qian Xiaomi were also there.

They were with Xiao Qian's wife.

The two were silently swallowing their saliva while eating at the table, when they heard a clear voice, "Master, I'm back."

Qian Xiaohe and Qian Xiaomi, who are already 13 years old, have been "educated" by their own mothers for a long time, and they have already identified themselves as the eldest granddaughter-in-law of Lao Ye's family. Now they can't help but hear the voice of their future husband-in-law look up.

It has been nearly two years since I saw my cousin Xianggong when Lao Ye's family set up the water mat.

At that time, whether it was Qian Xiaohe or Qian Xiaomi, they were still children at heart and only cared about food and clothing. When they arrived at Lao Ye’s house, they only wanted to take advantage or take advantage of it, so they didn’t seriously look at this somewhat deserted cousin.

The bright sunlight outside passed through the gaps in the window lattices, forming straight beams of light that shone into the room, and the handsome young man slowly approached in the golden light.

Tall and straight like a bamboo, with sharp facial features;
The face is like a crown jade, and the eyes are like bright stars;
He is a combination of elegance and heroism, he is imposing and dignified~
Both Qian Xiaohe and Qian Xiaomi's eyes lit up when they were used to seeing those lazy and idle elder brothers and younger brothers in their own family. The cousin looks really good-looking!


Two shy and timid voices sounded at the same time, while shyly answering, there was also a very familiar taste, as if they were so familiar.

Ye Xusheng frowned.

Old Yetou and Ye Laijin were both cold-faced, and Ye Laiyin was not very happy.

If it weren't for the fact that Lao Yetou's aura was too strong, the two skinny monkeys Qian Xiaohe and Qian Xiaomi wanted to pounce on him. They would be willing to marry into Lao Ye's family just for the good life of Lao Ye's family. Now Seeing Ye Xusheng's talent, the two of them were extremely happy, wishing to make a marriage right away, for fear that the other party would preempt them.

But, but their mothers have instructed them thousands of times, and they can't act recklessly.

Besides, the face of the head of the family is really ugly. Both of them have suffered in the old Ye's house, and they have grown up. , maintaining the reservedness of a woman~
Thankfully they were not impulsive, otherwise Old Yetou would have chased them away on the spot.

But looking at the appearance of the two of them also made Lao Ye's head shudder enough, and couldn't help but give Lao Qian a hard look.

And old Qian gave Little Qian a hard look.

Ye Xusheng didn't know what kind of lawsuit they were fighting, but he instinctively disliked the hot gazes of the two girls, as if he didn't know what kind of temperament they were, and he didn't know why they were pretending now.

But soon he figured it out, he couldn't help but his handsome face sank, and the aura around him also became fierce, as cold as ice, and the eyes and eyebrows were so cold that ice scum fell off.

Qian Xiaohe and Qian Xiaomi immediately felt a chill.

It's really because Cousin Jun's face is too cold, as long as he is not stupid, anyone can see it.

The two couldn't help feeling apprehensive.

In other words, the men and gentlemen of Lao Ye's family are collectively cold-faced, and even an adult would be terrified, let alone two 13-year-old girls.

After all, his mind is not stable, his mind is shallow, and he has every thought written on his face. The joy and joy just now, and the bewilderment now are all expressed vividly.

Seeing that both of them were timid, Xiaoqian curled her lips in disdain. It was just a dream that such a thing would want to be her daughter-in-law.

"Let's have dinner."

With a sullen old face, Lao Ye ordered in a deep voice.

As soon as the words were finished, He Xiner brought Wang Jinling and lifted the curtain into the main room with a smile, and entered the dining room while talking.

(End of this chapter)

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