Chapter 1140
There was a buzz in Ye Xusheng's head, as if it exploded, and it hit his eyes black.

It turns out that the younger brother is because of this reason...

My heart is heavy, very heavy.

As for He Xiner who blurted out those words, she will also realize that she really shouldn't have said it. The little cousin is already in such a situation. Wouldn't it be heartbreaking to say such things now?

"Yes, I'm sorry, big brother, I, I..."

He Xiner really wanted to scratch her ears.

The big brother obviously said that he didn't care, and he was talking nonsense, which was good, and made the big brother sad. .

Alas, it really shouldn't be.

Thinking of this in her heart, He Xiner really raised her paws to face her little face...

Ye Xusheng, who had regained his senses, grabbed his little paw and said in a deep voice, "Don't mess around."

She didn't even intend to use force.

Just expressing my annoyance.

Is she the kind of person who can be cruel to herself?
"Big brother, I'm just lying..."

Facing Qingming's stare, He Xiner suddenly couldn't continue, Gulu dodged her eyes, and said softly, "Little cousin is doing well now, and will get better and better in the future, not that kind..."

She couldn't say the word 'deformed child' again, but Ye Xusheng understood it in seconds, and replied in a deep voice, "Well, what Xiner said is true."

After that, neither of them mentioned it again.

He Xiner didn't stay any longer, and led her little cousin and Dabai back to Xikua courtyard early.

Well, even though the entire Old Ye family was dreaming at this time, it was quite early for He Xiner. For the whole first month, she would spend every night in the hall brother's room, almost tossing and tossing until the end of the day.


Even if I have explained the dangers of close relatives to the eldest brother, when it comes to Qian Xiaohe and Qian Xiaomi, it doesn't matter, they are just two insignificant outsiders, as long as they don't mess with her, she doesn't bother to talk to her.

In other words, the two skinny monkeys really wanted to curry favor with He Xiner, not to mention anything else, as for her beautiful clothes, it would be nice if they could get two of them to wear.

Thinking about it, they didn't dare to go forward.

There was Dabai following He Xiner every step of the way, but the two of them didn't have the guts to go forward and tease her.

Fortunately, it is clear that Bai does not enter the upper room, otherwise the two skinny monkeys might not even be able to eat.

The meals at Lao Ye's house are naturally good, and the two skinny monkeys are very comfortable after eating their mouths full of greasy food, but they don't have a chance to cling to their cousin and talk about themselves.

Now, the big house's work, whether it's picking beans, washing clothes, cleaning, etc., is all handed over to the two, and Xiaoqian stares at him so hard that he has no freedom, and Ye Xu is not at home during the day. People really can't find opportunities.

At night, after everyone in the big room fell asleep, the two of them sneaked to the East Kua courtyard again, and then they were scared by Dabai and fled away.

The two skinny boys were full of anger, whose cousin didn't sleep at night and ran into the cousin's house?

Really, really...

What it was, neither of them could tell.

In short, he was dissatisfied with He Xiner, but he had nothing to do with her.

Just like this, while eating and drinking happily, while tangling, I lived a small life with gusto.

She doesn't feel homesick at all, it's a posture of wanting to live for a long time.

The two of them didn't know that Lao Yetou had already issued an order to drive them away in a few days.


The eighth day of February is Ye Mancang's day of great joy.

The small doll workshop stopped working a few days in advance, and Bai Shi and Liu Shi almost stayed at Ye Shitian's house, helping Bai Shi with all matters.

Although there are a lot of chores at home, Ye Yuanyuan can't help, Zhi Youhe went to the town to play while he was not doing work, Cuizhi happily agreed, saying he was going shopping to relax.

In the past two days, the temperature has risen rapidly. At noon, it was a bit hot even wearing a thin jacket. He Xiner thought about buying some spring clothes for her little cousin. She had a lot of clothes herself, so she didn't need to buy more.

The three hit it off.

Hey, the four of them should hit it off.

Little Wang Jinling loves to play more than the three of them.

(End of this chapter)

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