The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1141 It's Crowded Anywhere

Chapter 1141 It's Crowded Anywhere

Heart is worse than action.

Now that they had made up their mind, the three of them hurriedly gathered together.

The ox cart at home goes to the town every day to deliver bean sprouts and leeks, so it is not suitable for people.

He Xiner made an agreement with her uncle, and Ye Laijin would not refuse to go to town with the mule cart tomorrow.

On the fifth day of the lunar new year, He Xiner and Wang Jinling woke up early, and took Dabai to the backyard to feed him first.Cuizhi and Yuanyuan, who also hadn't eaten breakfast, waited on empty stomachs, and they took Dabai with them and waited to set off.

They agreed to go to town to eat wontons.

At this time, the two brothers Ye Laiyin and Ye Shitian had already driven the cart to deliver vegetables, and Ye Laijin had also fastened the frame of the cart early, ready to set off at any time.

Just when Ye Laijin lost all patience and was about to go back to find someone, Xiao Qian walked into the backyard with Xiao Xuyang in his arms.

Oh, and Ye Feifeng followed behind without saying a word.

Mrs. Cao got up before dawn to work, and prepared meals early in the morning. Both Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin went into the kitchen to scoop up a bowl of porridge, thinking about a sip.

But Mrs. Xiaoqian has a lot of things to do. Using the child's excuse, she instigated Mrs. Cao to make steamed custard and meat porridge, forcing Mrs. Cao to set up a small stove for their women, and cook it alone in a small stove every morning. a meal.

Xiaoqian's got more and more complacent, and he made more and more tricks. Today, he clamored to eat noodles, the kind made of live egg noodles, and asked to make pork stew.

Even though Mrs. Cao was quick in both hands and feet, it took some time to liven, knead and cut the noodles. Therefore, the three of Xiaoqian's mothers ate a little late.

The rice noodles at home are paid by the public, but the meat and eggs are purchased by the second room. It is because of this that Xiaoqian can make great efforts to make them.

At this hour of the morning, old Qian hadn't woken up yet, so he didn't know about Xiao Qian's food, and Wang didn't want to care about it, so she let her succeed.

Ye Laijin got up at dawn every day to cut leeks, and then helped Ye Laiyin load the car, naturally he didn't know what the hell she was doing.

Xiaoqian's secret poking was very frustrating.

Just can't show off blatantly, there is always a little bit of regret.

No, Mrs. Wang had just finished a comfortable breakfast, and then put on airs and ordered Qian Xiaohe and Qian Xiaomi who had just woken up to do their work, and then took their children out of the East Wing Room unhurriedly.

She didn't know that He Xiner and the others were going to the town. Seeing everyone's attitudes, she was stunned at first, and then shouted unhappily, "So many people are crowded together, what should I do if my son is squeezed into it?" ?”

The corners of He Xiner's mouth twitched.

How about such a big carriage, where is it crowded?
At this moment, He Xiner felt a little regretful. She knew that her aunt was a clueless person, so she shouldn't be lazy, and she couldn't go far to Dazhai Village to make an ox cart.

She didn't care much about what this guy said. Besides, for the sake of her little cousin, it's okay for her to be squeezed a few words. It's not easy to get angry with her in front of her little cousin.

But Cuizhi, Yuanyuan and Cousin were really aggrieved by this idleness.

It's just that it's already at this point, so it's not easy to turn around and leave. Wouldn't that embarrass uncle.

It's all because of her lack of thoughtfulness.

"Don't worry, auntie, we won't crowd our little cousin."

He Xiner endured the embarrassment in her heart and smiled very decently, but she couldn't help but want to grind her teeth.

"Hmph, I'm used to talking..."

Xiaoqian was about to squeak again, but Ye Laijin, who was approaching with his mule, stopped him, "Everyone is waiting for you, don't be too sloppy!"

Being scolded in front of all the juniors, Xiaoqian also felt ashamed, and did not speak again, mainly because she was afraid of being scolded again.

He Xiner looked at Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi apologetically, and both of them winked at her, expressing their indifference.

Then, He Xiner patted her little cousin's hand again, and the two sisters looked at each other and both smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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