The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1142 I am telling the truth

Chapter 1142 I'm Telling the Truth

After Xiao Qian entered the carriage with Xiao Xuyang in his arms, Ye Feifeng, He Xin'er and the others got into the carriage quickly, Dabai sat on the frame full of energy and escorted the carriage.

Ye Laijin was very surprised when he saw it, he was happy to see it, and patted it on the head with a smile, "Hey, Dabai's demeanor is just like that of a great general, he is so majestic!"

All the little girls in the car were also happy to hear it, Wang Jinling was the happiest, lifted the curtain of the car and stretched out his little head and shouted, "The general is leading the way!"

Dabai gave her a smiling look, and shook his hair in a majestic way, making his aura even stronger.

Ye Laijin laughed loudly, "Let's go."

After the mule cart turned out of the alley of Lao Ye's house, it increased its speed and trotted down the country dirt road.

Because of Xiao Qian's personality, in front of her, He Xiner and the others did not make fun of Xiao Xuyang, they all sat quietly and did not laugh much.

Maybe it was because of getting up too early and the bumpy mule cart, the little guy fell asleep after a while, and the little girls became even quieter.

He Xiner, Guan Cuizhi, Ye Yuanyuan, and Wang Jinling were all well-dressed. Xiaoqian and Ye Feifengniang were both a little bit sour, but because Ye Laijin was driving outside, no one dared to find fault.

It's pretty harmonious along the way.

When they arrived under the big archway in Pingning Town, the little sisters of He Xiner took Dabai out of the mule cart, saying that it was uncertain how long they would play, and told Ye Laijin not to wait for them when they went back, they rented the mule cart by themselves That's it.

Although Dabai was following, Ye Laijin still worriedly told him not to go to remote places, not to stray, and to go to Taifeng Building if something happened.

He Xiner and the others obediently responded, saying goodbye to Ye Laijin politely.

"Hey, let's eat wontons, I'm about to starve."

"Aww, wonton, wonton!"


Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling were quite impatient, He Xiner and Guan Cuizhi were both amused by the two of them.

"Dabai is leaving."

The weather is fine, the sun is shining warmly on the earth, the breeze is blowing over the cheeks and it is still a little cool, fresh and cool, very pleasant~
Next to the wonton stall, an apricot tree in full bloom swayed gently with the wind, occasionally falling a few pale pink petals, dancing gently with the wind, the picture is extremely beautiful.

He Xiner took a deep breath, "Apricot blossoms are so fragrant, wontons are even more fragrant!"

This remark not only amused the little sisters, but also pleased the proprietress who cooked the wontons. She smiled happily, "The little girl is a sweet talker."

"Hehe, I'm telling the truth."

Everyone is happier.

Soon, Bai Shengsheng's wontons with a pink belly were hot on the table. The unique aroma of the wontons and the aroma of sesame oil were entangled with each other, casually teasing everyone's taste buds.

He Xiner and the other little sisters have missed this meal for a long time, and they are hungry again. Now that they smell this smell, they don't even care whether it's hot or not, so they all started in a hurry.

"Hiss~ hot, so hot."

"Hoo, hoo, it's hot!"

"good to eat!"

"It's so fresh!"

The three little girls plus one little girl, who looked like flower bones, were beautiful and tender, even when they were eating, they were not reserved at all, and even a little rude, but they were still beautiful and charming in the eyes of lovers, and they felt unpretentious. A beauty with a temperament, smart and lovely, charming and cute.

A few pale pink petals swirled and fell on Guan Cuizhi's shoulders, which contrasted with the pink brocade bow on her bun, adding a touch of playfulness to the girl's elegant appearance~
Pan Mingwei was dumbfounded...

He never expected that today's luck would be so good that he would meet the little beauty whom he had been thinking about for a long time early in the morning.

He decided that he would never sleep in again, and would come to buy wontons for his mother in person every day.

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets, everyone~~

(End of this chapter)

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