Chapter 1143
Yes, he came to buy wontons for his mother.

Naturally, there is a cook in Pan's house, but his mother loves to eat the wontons from this small stall, and from time to time, she will send the family servants to buy some back.

The reason why he didn't sleep in late today, and came here to buy wontons himself, is naturally to ask his mother...

The flirtatious young man who had passed the age of first love, stood at the end of the alley blankly, staring at that beautiful girl in a daze.

It was not easy to meet him today, and he didn't want to miss this opportunity.

But when she was with a group of little girls, she didn't want to greet her abruptly.

Hey, make it sound like he's remembered.

Mr. Pan, who has always been good at calculation and ruthless means, is very entangled in how to get close to the person he likes, and his brain hurts from thinking about it.


Little Wang Jinling held a noodle bowl bigger than her face in both hands, sipping wonton soup, seeing He Xiner's mouth cracking, this eating look is really, really cute, haha...

Ye Yuanyuan burped and put down the bowl, she drank up the hot bowl of soup, her hot little face was flushed, she slapped her hand twice, and suddenly raised her head with a sense of feeling look forward.

"Xin'er, Cuizhi, why do I feel that the man at the entrance of the alley has been standing there for a long time, and he keeps looking at us."

He Xiner nodded, "I feel it too."

"It's not a bad guy, is it?"

Guan Cuizhi was more cautious, "Should Dabai go to Taifeng Building to call my father?"

The distance was a bit far, Guan Cuizhi had no idea that the other party had met her once.

Pan Mingwei had already engraved her figure deeply in his mind, so that no matter how far away he was, he could recognize her at a glance, and because he was too surprised, he was foolishly at the entrance of the alley.

At this moment, his mind is full of how to approach the person he likes naturally, so he forgot to hide his fiery gaze.

Dabai, who had eaten two bowls of wontons, quietly glanced at the figure in the distance, quite indifferent.

Just like that kind of bean sprouts, if there are ten or eight more, the prince will be able to scare the shit out of him.

"People may not be looking at us, even if they look stupid, it's understandable, after all, who wouldn't like beauties?"

He Xiner covered her mouth and teased softly.

Annoyed, Guan Cuizhi gave her two hard stares.

Wang Jinling, who finally finished his wonton soup, was so full that he hiccupped, "Whether it is a bad person or not, if he dares to make a bad idea, let Dabai scare him to death."

The little cousin is domineering!

He Xiner smiled and gave the little girl a thumbs up, "My cousin is amazing."

While talking and laughing, the people at the entrance of the alley finally came to their senses and left in a hurry.

"Hey, my dad said it's hard to find a big dog with a psychic like Dabai."

"Dabai is unique, I can't find a second one, hehe."

"The bad girl is in trouble again!"

"Hey, don't let people tell the truth."

After eating and drinking enough and bragging for a while, He Xiner was in a super happy mood, and said with a smile that it was time for a big shopping trip. The little sisters immediately responded cheerfully, and took Dabai to visit this store happily. That house is so happy to fly.

Lightweight and easy-to-handle small items, several people carry them directly on their bodies.

The heavier cloth clothes were not taken away on the spot, and they only came to pick them up after renting a mule cart.

In the past, Ye Mancang and Ye Xusheng accompanied them to hang out, and they didn't have to worry about taking whatever they bought, and they just cared about spending money.

This was the first time that they were alone shopping, and I deeply realized the inconvenience of not having a follower. .

The four little sisters are wandering the streets carefreely, not to mention how comfortable they are. Pan Mingwei, who knows the dark places well, is about to go crazy~
"It's noon. After shopping all morning, I'm tired and hungry. Let's go to Taifeng Building for dinner."

After shopping around for a while, Guan Cuizhi enthusiastically extended the invitation when all the things she planned to buy were purchased.

(End of this chapter)

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