The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1145 It's all up to you today

Chapter 1145 It's all up to you today
With Dabai around, He Xiner is not afraid, but she is inevitably a little nervous. Now she is completely convinced by her cousin, who has more confidence in Dabai than she~

He Xiner felt relieved.

Patting Dabai's fluffy head, he said with a smile, "It's all up to you today."

Seeing that they didn't care, Guan Cuizhi and Ye Yuanyuan felt a lot more relaxed.

"If the people in the car don't get off, we'll go up and arrest them!"

Rough voice, full of arrogance.

The four little sisters looked at each other, cheering each other up with tacit understanding.

The little girl Wang Jinling took the lead and lifted the thin cotton curtain. He Xiner, Guan Cuizhi, and Ye Yuanyuan all filed out silently. They stood side by side on the frame and looked down.

Dabai casually rubbed against little Wang Jinling, and a girl hugged his neck and stood behind the three sisters, sticking out her little head from He Xiner's side to look at the scene.

All the strong men under the car were wearing strange-looking hoods, black, from top to bottom, covering their hair and face tightly, leaving only a pair of eyes outside.

There were six people in total, the one in the lead was very tall, and the others behind were of different heights, short, fat, and thin, surrounded by the old man driving the car, who seemed to have pushed the old man just now.

Now, they all stopped and looked at the three little girls in the car together.

"Hey, they all look good, and I like them all."

"Damn it, it's a big deal, haha."

"Boss, we buddies are blessed!"

The robbers stared at the beautiful little girls with bright eyes, they were impatient, and waited for the leader to yell before arresting them.

No one noticed the masked boy standing at the end, his body was stiff and motionless, as if he was stunned...

He Xiner frowned and looked at the rough-faced men under the car, and clenched her hands.

The mule cart just came out of Ping'an Town not far away. Although there are no people and cars passing by around now, it doesn't mean there hasn't been any. Moreover, the view here is wide and it's not easy to hide. It's really not a good place to rob.

But these people chose such a place, and in broad daylight, they blatantly blocked the frame, and even teased and laughed wantonly, very calmly, not in a hurry.

It's quite unscrupulous~

"Brother, let's have a discussion. Our sisters will leave you all the money on hand. Let us go, how about it?"

The clear voice was indifferent, calm and calm.

The big tall guy obviously didn't expect that a few delicate little girls were so courageous, they dared to talk about conditions with them without being scared and crying.

"I want money, but I want beauties!"

The tall man had gloomy eyes and a gloomy tone.

The old man driving the car didn't plead for mercy anymore, he shrunk his neck and bowed his waist, trying to reduce his sense of existence, and his old eyes kept drifting towards Pingning Town, hoping that someone would pass by and help these poor people girl doll.

I don't know if the sky heard his voice, a black spot is moving far, far away.

The old man's eyes lit up suddenly, hoping that the black spot would rush to them directly like a god descending from the earth.

But obviously, from such a long distance, it is impossible to appear in front of everyone all at once, and whether they are willing to take risks to save people is another matter.

But this time the old man can't take care of these things.

Just when the old man bet all his hopes on the passers-by in the distance, the big man in the lead shouted impatiently, "Let's go together, buddies, whoever catches it first will play first!"

The old man turned pale with shock, "You bastards..."

"Grandpa, step aside, don't get hit!"

He Xiner was grateful for the benevolence of the old man, so she specially shouted, and then stepped aside with Ye Yuanyuan, revealing the majestic Dabai ancestor, "Go, darling!"

Covering his head and face, Ye Dahu quietly gave the old man the driver a hand, and dodged to the side.

(End of this chapter)

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