The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1146 Let's Go Quickly

Chapter 1146 Let's Go Quickly
This will make it clear that it is not in the mood to be scary because it is not roaring up to the sky.

"The boss has a big dog!"

"No wonder the little beauty is not afraid of us."

"Hey, there is dog meat to eat tonight..."

Before the man finished speaking, a white shadow rushed towards him, as fast as lightning, the big dog that was sitting obediently on the frame of the car before the breath, rushed to the front of the eyes after a breath, frightened the dog The person's scalp was numb, and he was about to dodge with a strange scream, but how could he understand it so quickly?
The Great White Prince was annoyed at what he said about eating dog meat, so he slapped his head with his paw, and the man passed out with a plop before he could finish screaming.



The movements of Prince Dabai are like flowing clouds and flowing water, unrestrained, wanton and extremely mighty. The rest of the people were scared out of their wits and screamed shrilly and wanted to run away, but they were all knocked unconscious by Dabai in less than ten breaths. .

Oh, there is also Ye Dahu who is pulling the old man, who is already shaking like a sieve.

I knew that the big dog of Ye Laiyin's family was powerful, but I never imagined that it would be so powerful.

Thanks to him pulling the old man who was driving the car with him, otherwise he might have been shot and passed out.

"Hey, you bastard, let go of this grandpa!"

"If you don't let him go, Dabai will bite you!"

Dabai was mighty and domineering, and as soon as he made a move, he knocked down five big guys. The kid Wang Jinling was surprised and proud, and a little shy.

Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi were also overjoyed.

These are tall and burly men, not small animals like pheasants and rabbits.

Originally thinking that no matter how capable Dabai is, it will take a lot of work, and he was worried that it would suffer from injuries. Who knew that Dabai's ancestor's "one-claw skill" can not only knock pheasants and rabbits unconscious, but also strong men!
Therefore, when facing the villain who "held hostage" the old man, they are all confident.

"Believe it or not, Dabai's roar can scare your soul away! If you don't want to be scared to death, let the old man go quickly."

The beautiful girl Guan Cuizhi is beautiful even when she is angry, Ye Dahu's heart is pounding when she sees her pretty face with anger and wide-open almond eyes.

This was the first time she had spoken to herself.

Even though the other party was threatening him, he was still fascinated by it.

The old man, whose jaw dropped to the ground in shock by Dabai's mighty action, finally came back to his senses, excited and emotional, "It turns out that this dog is so powerful, no wonder these Huaguduo female dolls are so bold, You don't need to be accompanied by adults, just play around..."

He Xiner wanted to laugh, this old man is not only warm-hearted, but also talkative.

At this moment, she could see that although the man was pulling the old man, he didn't use the old man as a shield, otherwise he couldn't let the old man talk happily.

Turning her eyes to a carriage in the distance, He Xiner didn't care about picking on that kid, so it's important to leave quickly, she doesn't want to be seen.

"Grandpa, let's go quickly."

"Oh, oh, yes, yes, walking, walking, they are all young girls who have not left the court, so it is not easy for people to see them together with these thieves."

The old man was also a wonderful person, and while he was talking, hurry up, he didn't forget to say a few words.

"By the way, little brother, thank you for giving the old man a hand just now. It's not all broken. The old man advises you to find a decent job and stop doing such wicked things!"

He Xiner is convinced~
"Don't chat, old man!"

"Hey, hey, here we come, here we come."

Taking a deep look at that stupid villain, He Xiner was full of confusion. She didn't believe that a person who would do anything but rob house would suddenly find out his conscience.

They exchanged glances with Yuanyuan and Cuizhi, and the three of them silently pulled Wang Jinling into the carriage, leaving Dabai to stare at him.

It wasn't until He Xiner and the others walked a certain distance that the arrogant Dabai gave Ye Dahu a disdainful glance. After turning around slowly, he instantly increased his speed and caught up with the mule cart in a few breaths. Get on the frame.

The old man driving the car exclaimed, "This dog is really powerful!"

(End of this chapter)

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