The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1149 Who Made You Angry?

Chapter 1149 Who Made You Angry?

Ye Laijin didn't care about Xiao Qian's affairs at all, and took his youngest son to the vegetable shed to hide early, but Ye Feifeng, who wanted to sneak away, was also caught by the old Qian's, and suffered a few times.

After beating and scolding, Mrs. Qian was still angry, and fined several people not to eat lunch.

But obviously, Old Yetou was not satisfied with the result, and forced Old Qian to drive him away.

Old Qian had no choice but to chase her away. Qian Xiaohe and Qian Xiaomi had no bones, and they refused to leave without saying anything. He is already a member of Lao Ye's family.

What's even more weird is that the two people's statements are surprisingly consistent, and they are both very righteous.

Old Yetou almost fainted from anger, and furiously slapped old Qian's ears, telling everyone with the surname Qian to get out.

Old Qian and Little Qian were all dumbfounded.

When they came back to their senses, they dragged the little skinny man angrily.

But the two little thin monkeys and the loach were right, the yard was full of tossing vigorously, and they were so exhausted that they didn't drive them out of the house.

Both sisters He Xiner and Wang Jinling were stunned by the scene in front of them:

The four women surnamed Qian from three generations, old and young, all went crazy, some cried, some shouted, some shouted, some scolded, some ran, some chased...

And all of them are disheveled and embarrassed.

He Xiner and Wang Jinling looked at each other in blank dismay, they couldn't figure out what kind of madness the couple surnamed Qian had gone.

Although they don't know what happened, which caused several people surnamed Qian to kill each other, it is obvious that the two women of the Qian family are chasing the girl of the Qian family.

This is interesting~

He Xiner has always been afraid of the two skinny monkeys coveting the eldest brother, not to mention the dangers of inbreeding, but only saying that the two skinny monkeys' dignity and character are really unworthy of the public.

Hmph, how dare they think about her handsome and bright cousin?

"Grandma, who made you angry?"

He Xiner rolled her eyes, stayed away from the battlefield, and snorted loudly to her with a smile.

"Second girl, tell that dog of yours to drive this bastard out!"

The corners of He Xiner's mouth twitched, she knew it was clear.

"The two cousins ​​are too ignorant, see how you make me milky?"

Qian Xiaohe and Qian Xiaomi were frightened silly the moment old Qian called Dabai, and they didn't dare to yell anymore, for fear of offending the big dog.

Hey, people understand that they don't like to talk to the two little girls at all, it's just their guilty conscience.

Just when the two were distracted, the old Qian and the little Qian grabbed their hair respectively and dragged them out of the gate of Lao Ye's house. The pain made them cry miserably.

He Xiner and Wang Jinling's scalps ached.

"Hey, they are all an ancestor, and they can really do it."

"Sister Xin'er, what's wrong with them?"

"Forget it, it has nothing to do with us anyway."


"Go, go back, wash your hands and face, and rest on the kang."

The most noisy four, Qian Shi, walked away, and the whole Lao Ye's house was quiet. He Xiner reckoned that her father, uncle and her father were hiding in the vegetable shed.

At this time, Mrs. Cao should go to the river to wash clothes.

As for her sister-in-law and Ye Feifeng maybe sleeping in the house, He Xiner pursed her lips, not knowing what to say about them.

Left and right have nothing to do with her, and she doesn't bother to bother.

Shaking her head, He Xiner put these boring things to the back of her mind, and followed the bouncing little cousin and Dabai back to the West Courtyard.

After walking around for a whole morning, no matter how energetic the child Wang Jinling was, he was exhausted. After washing his hands and face and taking a sip of hot water, he couldn't open his eyes anymore.

He Xiner was amused and distressed at the same time, she carried the little person to the kang and took off her coat and shoes, so that she could sleep more comfortably.

Looking at Dabai who was sleeping with his eyes squinted outside, and then at his little cousin who was sleeping next to her, He Xiner felt at ease, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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