The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1150 The whole family is in a good mood

Chapter 1150 The whole family is in a good mood
It is said that old Qian and Xiaoqian's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law dragged the two skinny monkeys all the way out of Yejia Village, supported by a stomach full of anger, and walked with the wind blowing under their feet, dragging the two skinny monkeys Qian Xiaohe and Qian Xiaomi Had to fall down several times.

After tossing all the way, they staggered for two quarters of an hour, and finally arrived at Qian's shop. The old Qian and the little Qian directly threw people at the entrance of the village, then turned around and left.

After the crying Qian Xiaohe and Qian Xiaomi ran home to file a complaint, when Jiang and Hu jumped out to chase after them, where was the old Qian and Xiao Qian's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law?
Jiang and Hu were going crazy with anger. They still wanted to be the mother-in-law of the future official, but reality gave her a hard blow.

But they are not reconciled!
Thinking about the big house of Lao Ye's family, thinking about the money of Lao Ye's family, I feel like a cat's paw is scratching in my heart, yes, it itch to death.

Therefore, the eldest and third fangs urged vigorously and instigated the whole family to go to Lao Ye's house.

He kept swearing at the old Ye family for being too bullying, looking down on the old Qian family and so on, which really provoked a few brats to yell, but, but it was impossible to hit the old Ye family.

They don't want to be bitten by dogs.

As for the head of the family, Qian Dafa, after patiently asking the ins and outs of the whole matter, he couldn't help but feel disappointed. It was just two idiots who didn't want to win over Ye's parents and grandchildren, but only knew how to fight for food and drink.

Then, when the two granddaughters confidently made those outrageous remarks, Qian Dafa was even more disappointed. It can be said that he no longer had any hope for the granddaughter of the Qian family to marry into Lao Ye's family.

Just relying on the tough temperament of the old Ye family masters, after hearing what these two idiots said, it's no wonder that they can allow them to enter the door.

What does it mean that their master has promised people to Lao Ye's family, what does it mean that they are already members of Lao Ye's family, how do they not take Lao Ye's people seriously?

The tone seemed to be that he could do it, the master of the old Ye family, yes.

Qian Dafa was disheartened, scolded Da Fang and San Fang, and said that the opportunity he gave up to beg for was taken away by two heartless foodies, who is to blame?

Both Jiang and Hu refused to accept it, but they did not dare to talk back to their father-in-law.

"Let's not mention this matter for now. When the wheat is harvested, Qian Gui will go to Lao Ye's house to help with the work."

The second room was overjoyed, and hurriedly responded cheerfully.

After dismissing everyone in a few words, Qian Dafa habitually squatted at the door of the main room, smoking a pipe.

Lao Ye's grandson is going to be an official, so he really doesn't want to part with this marriage!

Qian Dafa squinted his eyes slightly, constantly calculating in his mind...

It is said that the old Qian and the little Qian who successfully chased away people were afraid that the other party would entangle them again, so they ran in a hurry and ran straight, out of breath. Were all exhausted.

The people who returned to their own land did not feel completely relieved, but rather apprehensive, fearing that the head of the family would kick them out of the house.

Fortunately, Lao Yetou did not get angry again, nor did he chase people away.

The two Qian wives finally put their half-hanging hearts into reality.

There were no two little skinny monkeys at home, and Lao Yetou was in a good mood, so he didn't care about anything else with them.

Well, not only Lao Yetou, the whole family is in a good mood.

After all, what old Qian's family is thinking, everyone knows clearly in their hearts, so there is no one who doesn't respond.

The unwelcome sisters of the Qian family were finally driven away, no one was making trouble anymore, and Lao Ye's family seemed harmonious on the surface.

Miss He Xiner stayed at home for two days obediently, didn't go anywhere, and stayed in the West Wing to write fairy tales together.

On the eighth day of the lunar new year, the long-awaited He Xiner and the excited little friend Wang Jinling got up early in the morning. After getting dressed, washing and dressing up, they ran to Ye Shitian's house to watch the fun without eating breakfast.

(End of this chapter)

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