Chapter 1154 What is this?

Ever since seeing Ye Xu rise up, Wei Qiufang's heart has been agitated, how could she be thinking of playing tricks at this moment, her mind is full of that handsome young man.

Sweetly thinking about it a thousand times, until his cheeks were hot, he covered his face, smiled sweetly and went to find her mother.

At this time, Mrs. Wei Ye was getting together with Mrs. Kong, the fifth householder of the old Ye family, muttering bad things about Dafang.

Since returning to her mother's house yesterday, Wei Ye's heart has been soaked in vinegar. Yes, her heart is so sour. Seeing the extravagant scene of the big house, Wei Ye is jealous and hates, and can't help it. He kept cursing in a low voice.

For a long time, she wanted to borrow some money from the big house to renovate her earthen house, so that she could marry the second child, but her eldest brother would not borrow anything, even if he invited her mother If you come forward, that dead thing will not say anything about it, and a big guy will not come out.

The eldest sister of the first relative borrowed a little money from him, and it was like killing him, and threatened that all the money in her hand was used to build this house, and she had no spare money.

If you lie to ghosts with that, ghosts won't believe it!

If there is no money, how can such a big fight be made?
Look at this wave showing off its vigor, not to mention the happy characters written on red paper everywhere, the row of red lanterns on gilded red silk is luxurious enough, but the east wing room is actually hung with a whole wall of high-end lanterns. Silk quilt. . .

She has even touched such precious things when she was old, but the big room hung an entire wall for auspicious occasions.

This, this is not what is a wave showing off?
She was so pissed off!
Mrs. Kong of the fifth room was also very angry at the richness of the big room, but he didn't dare to offend the big room. The cutscenes on the scene still had to be gone, and the whole family went to the big room to help before dawn.

In the end, he was unwilling in his heart, so he took the time to steal and be lazy, and was caught by Wei Yeshi who was wandering around, and found a few landlords to complain about the big house together.

When Wei Qiufang came to find him, Wei Ye was gritting his teeth and cursing Ye Shitian for not lending her the money, a trace of disdain flashed in Kong's eyes, and he thought to himself that you are an idiot with such an over-the-top temper. will lend you the silver.

After all, she was favored by the big house. Although Kong was jealous of the big house, and her heart was so sore, she could still clarify some matters on her position.

"Mother, mother~"

Hearing the joyful tone of her daughter, Wei Ye was very surprised. She knew exactly what kind of temperament her daughter was, and before coming, the daughter kept saying that she wanted to give Ye Mancang a good look, and she even persuaded him some.

There is no hope of getting married, and the money cannot be borrowed, so she is also annoyed. She curses behind her back, but she dare not turn her face directly. There is a rich brother from her mother's family. Possibly self-destruct the Great Wall?

What's more, the big house is rich and generous, even if the big advantage can't be taken, the small advantage can be taken.

So she was afraid that her daughter would be young and arrogant, but she painstakingly crushed the truth and explained it to her.

At that time, she spoke dryly, which made the stubborn girl agree not to mess around.

My daughter is very temperamental and can't hold her breath. Although she promised well before, she exploded on the spot as soon as she stepped into the door of the big house yesterday and saw the house full of red dresses. Mao, it was because of her father's pressure that she didn't make a fuss.

This stubborn girl loves her father the most. With her father around, she would not dare to make trouble, but she put on a dark face and ignored no one.

Speaking of Da Fang acting like this, she was not happy, let alone a daughter?

As long as you don't make things up, follow her~
But, what's going on with this girl with a face full of spring breeze, flushed cheeks, and spring waves in her eyes?

 ask for a ticket~~
(End of this chapter)

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