Chapter 1155 Bah!what!
They're all from here, Wei Qiufang's heart was obviously moved, Wei Ye could see it, and Kong could understand it too.

Immediately, I felt a little contemptuous.

What a frivolous girl.

Previously, whenever she was free, she would pester her elder nephew shamelessly. If it wasn't for Mancang's stubborn temper, an ordinary boy would have been pestered by her long ago.

By the way, this girl still had a dark face when she came to the door yesterday, as if her eldest nephew was sorry for her, she looked like a resentful woman, tsk, tsk...

As a result, after only one night, his face was full of spring, and it was really...

Tut, tut, that's a waste.

How dare you miss Ye Ye's eldest grandson with just the corners of his mouth?
Although the Mancang boy has a bit of a temper, he is a good boy with a solid eye, so he wouldn't fall in love with this kind of guy.

On the one hand, Mrs. Kong from the fifth room was sour on Da Fang, and on the other hand, he was thinking about Da Fang's well-being.

Just when she disdained to be with these girls and was about to get up and go back to the kitchen to do the work, she was stunned by Wei Qiufang's shameless remarks!
"Heh, my niece is really arrogant. She was born as a child, and she is also the eldest grandson of the richest family in our Yejia Village. You are actually a naughty face in your mouth? You can pinch it as you want? You want to borrow it?" Taking advantage of my old Ye's family's influence and forcefully forcing a marriage, you are such a cowardly fool!"

Mrs. Kong was about to explode in anger. If these women used their family's name to find Ye Laijin behind their backs and utter such absurd words, it would be a deadly offense!

"Let me tell you the truth, whether it's big brother or our old Ye family, the good life we ​​have today is all thanks to Sheng's family. If your Wei family dares to act behind your back and offend others, we The men of the master’s family will definitely tear down your old Wei’s house!”

"Bah! What! Don't take a pee and look at my sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks. It's not a big deal to hit the big nephew Mancang's head, but he dared to hit Sheng kid on the head! I'm not afraid of being laughed at! "

"Little Sheng is well-educated, looks talented, and has a bright future. If he hadn't devoted all his attention to the imperial examinations, he would have been married long ago. Those girls who want to marry Zhuangzi, shops, and fields are not enough for others to choose? The rags raised by the Wei family are not enough to carry shoes for others, I really dare to think!"

"Hmph, even the poor woman who cooks at the kid's house is a bit prettier than a nigger!"

"I put the words here. If you don't want to be thrown out by our old Ye's family in front of a group of relatives, then put away all your fancy intestines. Especially you Ye Juxiang! Don't say that I didn't mention you! It's annoying If you leave Lao Ye’s house, you will definitely be unable to eat and walk around!”

"Ah bah! A pair of rotten sluts! They will play some bad tricks that won't stand on the stage, and my ears will hurt!"

This Kong family is definitely a chili pepper, it is hot and hot when it gets angry, and it is like setting off firecrackers when you scold people, crackling, crackling, and bombarding, there is no chance for the other party to retaliate, and you can scold yourself. Then Shi Shiran twisted his waist and walked away. .

gone. .


Wei Yeshi, also known as Ye Juxiang, was so angry that she nearly pouted over her repeated bombings, and her breath was stuck in her chest, which made her blush and thick neck, and before she could swear, the other party simply dodged, even more She was so angry that she couldn't vent her anger, and she was almost going crazy with anger.

To be honest, she really didn't have the courage to chase Kong Shi into the kitchen to fight with him on such a day.

So she became even angrier.

The raging fire made her heart, liver, spleen and lungs hurt, and her triangular eyes were about to burst into flames.

Wei Yeshi just had such a ferocious face with red eyes and panting heavily, his appearance was as terrifying as it could be.

It's a good thing they are in the side room, otherwise, if her face was looked at by others, she would definitely be scared to death.

Similarly, Wei Qiufang's hatred was almost out of control, if she hadn't been afraid of the row of men in Lao Ye's family, she really wanted to rush up and catch that vicious woman to make a big face.

(End of this chapter)

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