Chapter 1159

At this point, Ye Xusheng had to stretch out his arms to hug the little man no matter how awkward he was, and then he was even more uncomfortable when Wang Jinling's little friend hugged his neck affectionately.

His body froze subconsciously, Ye Xusheng adjusted his breathing, and naturally stretched out his right hand to pull He Xiner towards Ye Mantun and other brothers.
Ye Yuanhe and Guan Cuizhi followed closely behind.

Ye Mandun, Ye Mangui and other brothers squeezed to the side without saying a word, then turned sideways to make way.

Several little sisters finally arrived at the forefront.

Ye Hexiu, who stood in a favorable position early, saw Ye Yuanyuan, and subconsciously hummed softly.

Before dawn, her mother dragged her out of the bed, and Huilan, Xiangqiao, and Yiping were busy with their mother, but her cousin was lucky enough to find a place to hide!

Are you irritating or not?
In fact, Ye Yuanyuan is not to blame for this matter, her family hired cooks who specialize in wedding ceremonies, and there were so many women who helped, they were not needed at all.

The reason why Ning's sisters-in-law dragged their own daughter was just to gain favor with the big house. Although Ye Hexiu's sisters got up early, they didn't do any specific work.

There are eight brothers Ye Mantun in the rough work, and there is no need for the girls at home.

But Ye Hexiu didn't think so, she believed that Ye Yuanyuan got Qiao Tuo big because of his family's money.

She is so angry!

Anger is anger, and he didn't have the guts to challenge Ye Yuanyuan, so he was sulking for nothing.

Who told Dafang to be rich?

In addition, He Xiner, Guan Cuizhi, and Ye Yuanyuan were together, so she wouldn't look forward to find fault with her.

"Sister Xin'er, sister Guan, come here, it's the cheapest place to look at the sedan chair."

Ye Hexiu immediately put on a smiling face after humming, and greeted He Xiner sweetly.

Ye Huilan, Ye Xiangqiao, Ye Yiping, Ye Lihua, Ye Daya and other little girls who were standing at the front surrounded enthusiastically.

But I didn't say a few words, because the sound of the drum music was getting closer, and the big red sedan chair also turned into the alley. Crackling with joy.

For a moment, the atmosphere was so warm that it was hot.

The sounds of laughter, firecrackers, and drums intertwined with each other, forming a sea of ​​joy. The whole alley and the whole house were beaming with joy, and everyone was smiling, as if they were the ones who married the wife~

He Xiner excitedly hugged her big brother's arm, tiptoed to look at the unhurried red sedan chair, seeing that sedan chair walking extremely slowly and steadily, she became more and more interesting.

Although the alley is deep and the sedan chair is slow, there is always time to approach.

When the big red sedan chair was safely parked in front of the house, the drum music stopped, and the noisy crowd also fell silent. Only then did He Xiner discover the big brother Mancang standing at the door.

I saw him wearing a brand new azure robe, cloud-patterned boots of the same color, a big red belt around his waist, and a big red silk safflower on his shoulders~
Accustomed to seeing Mancang's lobby brother wearing a short shirt, He Xiner didn't dare to recognize the well-dressed groom at first sight.

Mancang lobby brother was born with thick eyebrows, big eyes, well-rounded features, tall head, broad shoulders, broad body, powerful arms, and a proper image of a tough guy.

The bridegroom's official attire now still has a tough man's air, which adds a bit of extravagance and restraint, stability and grandeur.

"Brother Mancang lobby is so handsome, with a masculine aura coming towards you, majestic and imposing, tsk, tsk, I'm really fascinated!"

Ye Xusheng...

do not want to talk.

"I looked at Brother Mancang and got nervous, haha, his face is a bit serious, and there is no smile at all."

He Xiner held onto her toes and bit Ye Xusheng's ear, talking and laughing, her breath softly brushed against the tip of Ye Xusheng's ear, as if it had been scalded, it was hot and red~

Ye Xusheng's eyes were tender and tender, and he smiled and listened to her various ramblings. He was gentle on the surface, but his heart was agitated. .

(End of this chapter)

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