The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1160 Auspicious Time Arrives

Chapter 1160 Auspicious Time Arrives

There were whispers of talking and laughing all around, it was much quieter than before, He Xiner was a little curious, left the big hall brother and went to whisper to Ye Yuanyuan, "Why don't you come in?"

"Waiting for an auspicious time."

"It's also special for the bride to wait here. It's called squatting blessing."

He Xiner's interest increased, she held Yuanyuan with her left hand, and Cuizhi with her right hand, they moved together warmly, almost head to head, talking and laughing softly, everyone was very happy and excited.

At this moment, little friend Wang Jinling put his arms around Ye Xusheng's neck again, and then lay beside his ear, whispering something.

Following her words, Ye Xusheng's eyes gradually turned cold, and he squinted at Wei Qiufang, who peeked at him shyly and timidly from time to time, feeling disgusted in his heart.


"It's auspicious time!"

The drums are played again, and the firecrackers are rekindled.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became hot again.

Then He Xiner was dazzled by a series of rules and etiquette, kicking the sedan chair door, stepping over the brazier, walking on a sack, and shooting arrows, each had its own specialties.

The main hall of the upper room has been newly decorated at this time, Ye Shitian and Bai Shi are dressed in new clothes, and they are happily sitting on the grand teacher's chair covered with bright red silk brocade cushions.

Ye Shitian is in high spirits;
Ye Bai's dignified atmosphere;
Quite the momentum of the head and mistress of a big family~
The tough and straight Ye Laiyin held one end of the red silk, and the petite bride wore a red dress and a red hijab, and held the other end of the silk with her bare hands hidden under her wide sleeves;
One tall and one petite stood side by side, kneeling down to worship the heaven and earth and parents under the singing promise of the master of ceremonies, and became the bridegroom and carried the bride into the bridal chamber.

He Xiner looked up at the sky, hehe, the sun is shining brightly above her head, how about a bridal chamber?
It's fine for a certain person to think about it in his own heart, but she is unlucky. Looking around, the little cousin was chatting and laughing with Yuanyuan and Cuizhi, and followed the groom to the wedding room.

He Xiner smiled, and tiptoed towards Ye Xusheng, who immediately bent over her height, "Brother Hall, you said it's a sunny day, the sun is so bright that it's dazzling, and there are a bunch of seven big My aunts and aunts gathered around to watch the fun, how do you want to have a bridal chamber? Brother Mancang probably has the heart to kick people, hee hee..."

Ye Xusheng was overwhelmed, and an evil fire ignited violently, spreading from his chest to his limbs and bones, scorching him hot, his face was hot, his ears were hot, and even his hands and feet were hot...

"I really can't figure it out, isn't it always night to enter the bridal chamber?..."

A certain person didn't feel that there was anything wrong with the big brother next to him, and he was still muttering to himself, talking about entering the bridal chamber and entering the bridal chamber.

The young Lang Rao, who is full of vigor and vitality, has a clear mind and no distracting thoughts, and her heart is agitated by what she said~
Originally, in a prosperous and joyful mansion, watching a couple of new couples kneel down and worship their parents, and they officially became a couple. With a sharp sting...

If his little girl worshiped heaven and earth with others one day, he would be heartbroken to death.

But now, now, the little girl has successfully interrupted his thoughts, and he has no intention of hurting the spring and autumn, it is the anger in his heart that makes him blush, mouth dry, so embarrassed...

Difficult to look away from the little girl's bright red lips, Ye Xusheng secretly adjusted his breathing, exhaled and inhaled calmly.

"After entering the cave and the bridal chamber, it's also very lively. Don't miss it, Xin'er."

Slightly hoarse voice, deep and magnetic.

He Xiner, who was extremely excited about gossip, tilted her head and glanced at him, and said with a cracked smile, "I didn't expect the big brother to speak in a low voice, and he is also a subwoofer, sensual and charming~"

Ye Xusheng narrowed his blurred eyes slightly.


 Thank you book friends for your votes, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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