Chapter 1161

At this time, almost all the female relatives went to the wedding room to watch the fun, and the male guests were drinking tea and talking in the main hall of the upper room. There were a few children laughing and making noise in the yard, and the kitchen was full of enthusiasm. The wind blows~

"Hehe, hehe, um, um, the groom's room is so lively, the roar of laughter almost knocked off the roof..."

"Okay, I said it's not enough?"

Facing the black and white eyes of the big hall brother, He Xiner could no longer pretend to be stupid.

"Brother Chen, whom I met before, has a really nice voice."

"Brother Chen? Huh?"

Ye Xusheng's brows twitched suddenly, and the heat all over his body immediately decreased.

"Big brother, I'm off to watch the excitement!"

He Xiner made a face at him, and ran to the East Wing in a hurry. Ye Xusheng became even more suspicious by her hasty behavior.

Could it be that the kid is entangled with Xin'er again?

The East Wing turned into a sea of ​​joy, with high and low laughter from time to time, making it very lively.

He Xiner squeezed and squeezed, and finally managed to squeeze into the room.

At this time, the bride's hijab had already been lifted, revealing an oval-shaped face with a thin layer of makeup, with delicate features and a graceful temperament, which belonged to Xiaojiabiyu's type.

Being stared at by everyone, the bride felt a little uncomfortable, she lowered her head shyly, avoiding everyone's scrutiny.

Seeing the bride and groom, the man on the left and the woman on the right sitting on the kang, neither of them spoke, and the wife in the room didn't make any arrangements, He Xiner was very puzzled.

"Yuanyuan, what's going on?"

When she got close to her friend, He Xiner whispered to her ear.

"Sit a blessing."

He Xiner let out a hey from the bottom of her heart. The bride is called squatting blessing outside, and now the bride and groom are sitting together, which is also called sitting blessing. It's really interesting.

The next bride ate raw dumplings and drank a cup of wine, which opened He Xiner's eyes. From time to time, she smirked along with a group of people, almost making her cheeks sour.

A series of lively procedures came to an end, and the wedding banquet officially began.

The honored guests set up two tables in the main hall of the upper room, and the elderly female relatives set up two tables in the main hall of the east wing. The rest of the guests and the villagers all ate the flowing water mats.

The banquet is mainly for entertaining relatives and friends, and the villagers only invite some elderly people.

Although He Xin'er's family is from the same village, they are also honored guests today, because his family received a lot of gift money, and in the name of the public, the big house, and the second house, they took three full gifts.

The Guan family was also a guest of honor, so Guan Xiuyuan put down his leave of absence and rushed back.

Not to mention how the male guests are arranged, on the female side, there are old Qian, old Yuan, Su from the village head's family, Lin from Ye Changsheng's family, and old Yuan's natal sister, sister-in-law, younger siblings and others.

At the other table, there were Xiaoqian, Wang, Liu, Wei Ye, and Ye Guihua, although young, was of the same generation as them, and sat at this table, as well as Bai's natal sisters, sister-in-law, younger siblings and others.

Only these important relatives were fully seated, and the juniors all went outside to eat the flowing water mat.

Ye Yuanyuan dragged He Xiner, Guan Cuizhi, and Wang Jinling to find a quieter place to sit, and then Ye Feifeng also came to find her, and a few maids from Bai's natal family joined the table.

Introducing each other, the shouting of sisters and sisters is also lively
The other little girls in the village, such as Ye Lihua, Ye Daya, etc., were not qualified to eat banquets, so they were greedy for a while, and then quietly left.

Ye Mantun took seven cousins ​​and a helper Ye Xusheng to serve the dishes in an orderly manner. After a while, two tables in the upper room and two tables in the east wing were ready.

The people on the water table outside are also serving food one after another, just waiting for the firecrackers to go off, and when the family members have spoken, everyone can start.

He Xiner was still looking around with great interest, when she felt her sleeves being pulled by someone, she quickly lowered her head to look, and the little girl Wang Jinling gave her a wink angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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