Chapter 116

It's just that the two lazy people can't hide when the autumn is busy, and the food is not returned but there is no food to eat, so I have to do it.

But if it is a matter of making money, no one is in a hurry.Seeing that the grandson has grown up and has no money in his hand, how can he talk about marriage?
Old Ma also has a young daughter named Ye Meihua just like old Qian.

It is better than Ye Guihua, at least boil water and cook at home during the busy farming season, so that brothers and sisters who have done farm work can eat ready-made meals when they go home.

With just such a girl, Mrs. Ma also wanted to find a better family for her, but he was so poor that matchmakers were not uncommon, so where could he find a good family?

The prosperous scene in the town mayor deeply stimulated the old Ma, it would be great if Meihua could marry in the town!

Look at what the girls and daughters-in-law are wearing in the town, tsk, tsk...they must be silk and satin, they are especially beautiful in the sun, people really can't get enough of them!
And the silk flower on the little girl's head is so bright, the silver hairpin and silver earrings on the little daughter-in-law's head, and the silver bracelet on her hand... Tsk, tsk, how much silver does it cost?

Ordinarily, it is not the first time for Mrs. Ma to come to the town, but he can't stand the difficult life at home. The more he sees the life in the town, the more envious he is. She is dazzled!
Seeing that the people in the town were living a good life, Ma Shi felt like a fire was burning in her heart, causing her heart, liver, spleen and lungs to ache.

No matter how envious of other people's days, you can't start grabbing other people's money!
Still had to obediently go to sell eggs, old Ma Shi found a small corner with a stern face, put down the basket, and pulled the grass on it to reveal the eggs inside.

The people in the town had a good life, and eggs were not a rare thing for them. It didn't take much effort, and the eggs brought back by Ma Shi were sold out.

Touching the copper coins in his pocket, a smile finally appeared on Lao Maqian's face. It was the old hen she raised who was able to lay eggs for her in exchange for silver, which was better than those two lazy sons!
The sun was getting hotter and hotter, and the old Ma Shi reluctantly looked at the food stalls, swallowed again, put on his back basket and went to the grocery store to buy two catties of rapeseed oil and two catties of coarse salt.

More than half of the copper coins in hand were spent at once, and old Ma Shi's face drooped again.

Tired and hungry, the listless old Mashi lowered his head and walked back, unknowingly far away from the bustling market. Today is the market day, and other streets in the town seem deserted, with few people walking.

Suddenly, Mrs. Ma stopped and looked into the alley on the left~
Oh my God!
Old Ma's eyes widened in disbelief, it's silver!

Although the old Ma just lowered his head, he still noticed something on the ground in the alley from the corner of his eye. If you don't look carefully, there is really something, and it is silver!

Old Mashi didn't dare to run over right away, first carefully looked around, looked around, it was very good, there was no one else but her, no one would snatch her.

His heart was pounding with excitement, and old Ma Shi couldn't hold back anymore, he ran over like a gust of wind, picked up the silver and held it in his hand, and looked around vigilantly, making sure that there was really no one, and then slowly Open your hand, it’s silver, that’s right, about one or two, put it in your mouth and take a bite, hahaha, it’s real silver!
Old Ma was so excited that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, so he said that he couldn't let his son come to the mayor, not to mention whether he could see the money, even if he picked up the money, he wouldn't hand it in.

Ah, today is a good day!It's time for me to get rich!
The beauty of old Ma Shi is bubbling from the bottom of his heart, if only he picked up another piece!

By the way, let's take a look again, maybe there are still some corners.

Putting the silver on his body nimbly, the old Mashi started to search for it in the alley, his old eyes were blinded, he did not miss any corner, and he walked further and further down the alley.

Haha... Really, there is a broken silver lying on the ground at the entrance of a small courtyard. Old Ma smiled so much that his mouth was almost behind his ears, but he didn't dare to make a sound, so he ran over in a few steps and grabbed it. The money, the money is in his hands, the old Ma Shi is going crazy with joy!
The smiling old Mashi didn't notice the sound of the door opening behind him, and held the silver with both hands under the sun to admire it.

A pair of big hands holding a handkerchief quietly stretched out from behind, covering the old Ma's mouth and nose, and before the old Ma could react, he dragged her into the door, and the wooden door was quickly closed.

(End of this chapter)

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