The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 117 The Insidious Ye Dahai

Chapter 117 The Insidious Ye Dahai
When the wooden door of the small courtyard was opened again, old Mashi came out with trembling hands.

The door behind him was closed tightly again.

I touched the silver in my pocket, it was still there, it was all real, not a dream~
Patting his chest, old Ma tried his best to calm down, don't panic, don't panic, go home and talk to the old man.

Old Ma used all his breastfeeding strength to go home as fast as possible. It was almost noon, and the temperature had risen a lot again. This whole run almost killed old Ma.

In a panic, he returned to the main room, picked up the kettle and poured a glass of water, raised his neck and drank it all, then drank two more glasses, finally healed, and came back to life.

Although the corn in the field has been harvested, the wheat has not been planted yet. The old men are still on the ground, and the two daughters-in-law don't know what to do. Only the old girl Ye Meihua is cooking in the backyard.

Regardless of his hunger, Mrs. Ma first hid the silver and put it in the money box of the kang cabinet. He was worried, so he took it out again and stuffed it into the mouse hole in the corner. After thinking about it, he was still worried.

He took it out again, and walked around the room with two taels of silver in his hands. Where is the safest place to hide it?

Got it!

He rummaged through the boxes and chests to find out the big cotton trousers for winter, took out the needle and thread basket, threaded the needle and thread, and sewed two taels of silver into the waist of the big cotton trousers.

Finally hidden!Just wait for the old man to come back!

In the backyard, Ye Meihua made corn paste and steamed buns, and Dafang Zhang came back from washing clothes by the river, and rushed to stir-fry vegetables in order to add more oil and salt.

Mrs. Li, the second room, who returned the pig grass to feed the pigs and chickens, also ran into the kitchen to watch the food. Seeing that the potatoes in the pot were a bit greasy, she pursed her lips and washed her hands.

When the old men came back from the fields, Ye Meihua also prepared the meals.

Old Mashi didn't care if his daughter-in-law had something to worry about, so he stuffed food into his mouth absent-mindedly.

The two daughters-in-law looked at each other, then hummed softly and turned away.

It's rare that the old godly woman doesn't scold people. The food is so delicious, so don't eat more.

When only Ye Dahai and his wife were left in the main room, the old Mrs. Ma couldn't bear it any longer. He held the door with both hands and stretched his head and brain to look at the yard, making sure that there was no one there, and then closed the door.

Ye Dahai, who was smoking, frowned and gave her a cold look. What is this old woman up to?
"Old man, come with me to the inner room, I have something to tell you."

Old Ma lowered his voice and whispered in Ye Dahai's ear.

Not knowing what she was going to do, Ye Dahai went to the inner room and got on the kang with an expression on his face.

Mrs. Ma also quietly got on the kang, leaned close to Ye Dahai, and talked about what happened in the town under his breath: I went to the mayor to go to the market in the morning... so... so...

At first Ye Dahai didn't care much, but later his face became more and more serious, and he couldn't care less about smoking the cigarette in his hand. When the old Ma Shi finally finished speaking, Ye Dahai smacked his mouth and said in a low voice: "That person really appointed That dumb second girl?"

Fearing that he would not believe it, Old Ma nodded vigorously.

"The man said that the two taels of silver are just a deposit, and when the matter is completed, he will give you another eight taels of silver."

Old Ma Shi finally let go of the stone that was pressing on his heart, and became excited again. He couldn't sit still because of his excitement, so he simply got off the kang and spun around on the ground.

"Ten taels of silver! Old man, with this money, my daughter will have a dowry, and she can find a good family. Maybe with the money at the bottom of the box, our daughter can marry into the town and eat good food every day. If you dress well, you will have a beautiful day.”

Seeing her getting farther and farther away, Ye Dahai gave her an impatient sideways glance, "Let's talk about the things in front of me first, don't talk too far away."

Seeing the old man's disdainful eyes, old Ma was very unconvinced: "What is there to say about the matter in front of me, a girl and a mute, as long as she is dragged to a place where no one is there, she can run away, and she won't even call for help." , killing her is not like crushing an ant."

stupid bitch!
Ye Dahai cursed in his heart, took two puffs of cigarettes, and his eyes were cold: "If this is really an enmity with the people in that room, why did you kill a girl?
That boy Xu is the grandson of the eldest son, shouldn't he be worth more than a girl? "

Taking a deep breath, the old Ma's eyes widened: "The old man's brain is still bright, you are right, in order to fill up that room, it is best to kill that dead boy who is studying!"

The old god took two puffs of cigarettes, and Ye Dahai said: "Tomorrow, I will go to town with you."

After being excited for a while, old Ma's voice became softer, and he moved closer to Ye Dahai, "Old man, tell me, that dead boy is worth 30 taels of silver, right?"

After glaring at her fiercely, Ye Dahai narrowed his old eyes, "No one can talk about this matter. I'll get a charter after I go to meet with that person."

"Ah, ah, I know~" Old Ma's eyes were burning, his family was about to get rich...

(End of this chapter)

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