The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1167 We are waiting for you

Chapter 1167 We are waiting for you

He Xiner drank a lot, and her mind was dizzy. If it wasn't for her little cousin who likes to watch the excitement, she would have wanted to go home and sleep.

He Xiner, who had blurred eyes and lacked energy, entered the wedding room with a group of little girls, only then did she realize that there was such an interesting thing, she immediately became interested, and laughed along with everyone, laughing like a fool.

A group of little girls are mostly relatives who have turned a corner, and they are actually embarrassed to make trouble. The happiest one is Wang Jinling, who yells for wedding candy and wedding cakes for a while, and makes a shy bride Turning around, so the atmosphere is more joyful.

As the saying goes, don't talk, don't laugh, don't be lively. On the wedding day, if there is no noise, no one booing, it is not good to be deserted.

Therefore, although the bride was a little shy being surrounded by a group of sister-in-laws, and was also rushed by the courageous few, she was happy in her heart, smiling all the time, without the slightest bit of impatience.

The excitement didn't last long, the little girls were still very embarrassed to toss the bride too much, everyone got a wedding candy, a wedding cake or something, so they left with a smile, and went to find their mothers.

He Xiner glanced at the sleeping Xiao Xuyang, and was very speechless to her incomprehensible eldest aunt.

"Cousin, it's time to take a break after making such a fuss for so long, and go home to sleep."

"Sister Yuanyuan said that the bridal chamber is more lively at night."

While yawning, Wang Jinling vaguely expressed that she didn't want to leave.

In the end, He Xiner forcibly dragged her out of the house.

Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi chased her outside and called her, "After sending Sister Ling'er back, come back immediately. We'll be waiting for you."


He Xiner waved her hand gracefully, and with dazed eyes, she took her cousin's little hand and walked away slowly.

After returning home, Dabai Ancestor, whom he hadn't seen for half a day, immediately came up to her happily, and acted like a baby with her, which made He Xiner giggle non-stop.

Little Wang Jinling couldn't hold on any longer, covered her mouth and muttered "Dabai didn't even think about me", then rubbed her eyes, and fell asleep on the kang.

He Xiner never came.

I'm so sleepy, I still don't want to come back, I really like to join in the fun.

Stretching her waist, He Xiner also wanted to sleep a little bit, but thinking of her little cousin who couldn't sleep well, He Xiner was a little annoyed.

I don't know what the big brother is doing~
Patting Dabai's fluffy head, He Xiner smiled and said, "Obey, stay at home and watch your cousin, and when she wakes up, go to Yuanyuan's house to watch the fun together."

At the uncle's house, three or four tables will be set up after drinking to thank everyone who helped.

And the bridal chamber with all the younger uncles was the most lively scene, and almost all the young men from the family would be there.

Thinking of that scene, He Xiner was looking forward to it.

At that time, all the relatives who came from afar should go back, and it's okay for Dabai to go, everyone in the village knows Dabai.

Dabai poked his big head over and over, which meant he wanted to play with her.

"Hey, Dabai is good, my cousin may sleep for a while, if it is late, she will be afraid to go to Yuanyuan's house alone."

Now that Shen Shi has passed, according to the sleepiness of my little cousin, maybe I can sleep until dark.

The uncle's house is naturally decorated with lights and festoons, bright and lively, but there are no lanterns on the street outside, and it is completely dark at night.

After finally explaining Dabai's ancestors, He Xiner washed her face with clean water, and finally became a little clearer, and she was going to look for her big brother.

In the front yard, I met Mrs. Cao who came back from washing clothes by the river. "The second girl is going out again?"

"Well, my grandfather and the others are not lightly drunk. When Aunt Cao is making dinner, she grabs soybean sprouts and cooks some hangover soup."

"Hey, I see."

(End of this chapter)

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