The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1168 But It's Too Late

Chapter 1168 But It's Too Late

He Xiner went out of the house and looked around. The alley was quiet and no one was moving around, which was normal. Their home was remote, and people in the village would not pass by here if they didn't go to the river.

Thinking of the river in the east of the village, I suddenly thought of Mrs. Cao's hands that were red with cold. At this time of year, the river is still icy.

Alas, it is not easy for Mrs. Cao.

A gust of cool wind blows towards her face, and He Xiner couldn't help shaking. The sun was shining at noon, the breeze was soft and smoky, and it was so warm and comfortable. It's not dark yet, so it's so cool and refreshing. No wonder poets say "the spring breeze in February is like scissors".

So she went back home worryingly, and told Mrs. Cao to take care of her little cousin, and after she woke up, she would put on a jacket before going to Yuanyuan's house.

Cao's soft way said that he knew.

Walking out of the house again, He Xiner rubbed her face against the cool breeze, and walked unhurriedly on the country road.

When she was about to turn into the North-South Street, He Xiner's heart tightened for no reason, she felt that danger was approaching, she turned around decisively and was about to call Dabai, but it was too late...


It is said that both Guan's mother and wife were at Yuanyuan's house and did not go back, and Guan Mingwei was not at home in the town, and after Ye Xusheng sent the drunk Guan Xiuyuan home, it was not easy to just let the drunk person go.

He boiled hot water and fed him some to drink, and soaked a cotton towel in warm water, and wiped his hands and face carefully, very thoughtful and considerate.

The drunk Guan Xiuyuan was dizzy, closed his eyes and rested all the time, but he knew everything, and even praised Ye Xusheng with a smile, saying that his son had never served him like this before, which made Ye Xusheng feel a little embarrassed.

Guan Xiuyuan has always admired him, and never had a chance to be alone with him. Although he was dizzy at this moment, he became interested, and he was very concerned about Ye Xusheng's studies, and asked him when he would take the government examination. Many topics have been extended on this topic, all about the imperial examination.

He had always regretted that he didn't get a good name in the exam. When he talked about studying in the imperial examination, he was a little bit unsatisfied. After chatting for more than half an hour, he finally gave up because he was too sleepy to hold on.

At this time, Ye Xusheng became flustered for no reason, feeling as if something bad had happened, resisting the urge to run away from the door, politely said goodbye to Guan Xiuyuan, and hurried out of Guan's house.

There was no one in the village. At this time, all the children in the village ran to the alley in front of Ye Shitian's house, waiting to watch the excitement.

Entering February, Chen Xing began to build a house with a high profile, and hired many people from the village to help. After Seta Yifang, the third green brick and tile house in Yejia Village was built, which almost made the jaws of the whole village drop to the ground.

Recently, the Chen family has been in the limelight. Apart from the helpers, other people in the village also ran to the Chen family intentionally or unintentionally, trying to find out where the Chen family's money came from.

It is the slack season, and people in the village have time to spend.

At this time, many people were still helping the Chen family, and some were waiting at the door of Ye Shitian's house early, waiting for the bridal chamber.

Ye Xusheng strode and walked quickly in the deserted alley, the surroundings were quiet, only the sound of his footsteps, his boots trampled on the compacted road surface, making a slight thump sound, like knocking on his heart every now and then, he couldn't help but Getting more and more upset, he simply ran straight away.

Not many people had already rushed to the alley of Ye Shitian's house, many skinny children were running and playing in the alley, and some young men gathered together in twos and threes to gossip.

Ye Xusheng kept his eyes on the sidewalk, striding forward, and bumped into Wei Qiufang who was sending Ye Guihua and Ye Feifeng out.

"Big brother."

"Big cousin!"

Wei Qiufang's eyes were bright, she was very excited, and no matter whether people knew her or not, she called her big cousin in a very familiar and intimate tone.

(End of this chapter)

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