The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1169 I will send my aunt

Chapter 1169 I will send my aunt back

This shy, timid and very intimate cousin didn't stop Ye Xusheng's footsteps at all, but it made Ye Guihua and Ye Feifeng feel uneasy.

Especially Ye Guihua, suddenly understood why the other party was so flattering, so it was so!
Ye Feifeng exchanged glances with Ye Feifeng who felt the same way, and Ye Guihua curled her lips in disdain.

At this time, Ye Xusheng had already entered the courtyard with squinting eyes, and the three girls still maintained the standing posture when they saw Ye Xusheng.

Wei Qiufang, who suddenly saw the person she likes, was overjoyed, her heart was surging, her eyes lit up with excitement, and her thin cheeks were boiling hot~
Just looking at him with such joy, I thought he would at least say hello to me, but the other party ignored her fiery gaze and walked past her quickly without even giving her a look.

The pleasantly surprised smile just froze on his face, which was extremely ugly.

"Qiufang, don't you guys have to go on your way, hurry back."

Full of sarcasm, Ye Guihua hooked her lips, and she looked like an elder, caring for the other party.


Wei Qiufang suddenly recovered.

He pursed his lips unnaturally, and said with a slightly trembling voice, "Mother and I are going to stay, and we will leave tomorrow."

Ye Guihua and Ye Feifeng exchanged glances again, and they understood everything.

This is really the idea of ​​hitting her home.

"Oh~, so it's like this~"

"Well, I'll go and play with my aunt tomorrow."

Ye Guihua looked at her with a half-smile, "Okay..."

At this moment, the three of them only felt a blur in front of their eyes, and a blue figure flashed past them very quickly, bringing a cool breeze~
"Huh? How can Xu Sheng run faster than a rabbit?"

"Sister-in-law, shall we go back?"

"it is good."

"That, that, I'll take my aunt back."

Ye Guihua, who was about to turn around, rolled her eyes, and was about to say a few words, when Ye Yuanyuan who flew out staggered her.

"Hey, my waist..."

Ye Feifeng and Wei Qiufang rushed to help Ye Osmanthus, Ye Yuanyuan threw "I didn't mean it~", and they ran away in a hurry.

"Hey, this dead girl..."


"Ouch, my head..."

"My mother, you trampled me to death!"

The three of them were also dead. They were standing on the side of the door. After being swept by Ye Xusheng's gust of wind, they moved to the center of the house without knowing it. After being hit by Ye Yuanyuan, they didn't know how to move and were rushed Guan Cuizhi stepped on and bumped into her, but she couldn't blame her.

Just now Ye Yuanyuan left an embarrassing word, but now Guan Cuizhi didn't even say a word, rubbing her sore forehead with one hand, and ran away like the wind.

All the young men surnamed Ye in the alley were all foolish and bragging with their companions, some were leaning against tree trunks, some were squatting on the ground, and some were holding a weed in their mouths, in short, all of them had no image to speak of.

When Ye Xusheng and Ye Yuanyuan ran past them, none of them responded.

Sheng boys are scholars who don't go with them, even if they want to climb high, they can't climb high, so it doesn't matter whether they have a good image or not.

As for Ye Yuanyuan, there is nothing to say about her looks, and the family is rich, but everyone's surname is Ye, an ancestor, who has no idea!
But the girl from the Guan family is different!

Although he knew that he was not worthy of the Guan family, let alone the beautiful girl from the Guan family, but, he just didn't want the beautiful girl to see him as a boneless image. . .

Therefore, when Guan Cuizhi, who collided violently with Ye Guihua, ran in the alley in a panic, all the young men on the side of the road stood up straight, in a military posture. His eyes like eyes, have been closely following the running beautiful figure.

Normally, Guan Cuizhi would have been embarrassed by people watching her like this, but at this moment, her mind was full of He Xiner, and she turned a blind eye to everything around her.

(End of this chapter)

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