The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1170 Something Happened to Xiner Ye

Chapter 1170 Something Happened to Xiner Ye
Seeing Ye Xusheng, Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi anxiously looking like something happened, Ye Guihua, who was rubbing her forehead, didn't bother to curse, and hurriedly asked Ye Feifeng, who was bending over and covering her feet, "Can you please?" Walk?"

"Can, can walk."

"Come on."

The two of them couldn't care less about what to say, they were rushing home, but just after taking two steps, they found that the surname Wei was following behind, Ye Guihua was impatient, "What are you following?"


"Don't follow."

Before Wei Qiufang could find a good reason, Ye Guihua's face sank, and she turned to give her a cold warning.

Wei Qiufang couldn't adapt to the sudden change of face, and was stunned. When she realized it, Ye Guihua and Ye Feifeng were about to turn out of the alley.

Wei Qiufang was angry and annoyed, but she didn't have the courage to chase up and quarrel with others. She stomped her feet angrily and was about to swear a few words to vent her anger. Suddenly, she felt that many people were looking at her with strange eyes, looking straight at her scalp Numb.

Being stared at by a group of young men, she would definitely be complacent in the past, but now she is not happy at all.


Not to mention how Wei Qiufang became angry from embarrassment, how frustrated she was, and how she fled in the face of many strange eyes.

It's just that after Ye Xusheng learned that He Xiner brought Wang Jinling home alone, he felt even more uneasy. The inexplicable uneasiness made his nervous heart throb.

He had never felt this way before. Although he tried his best to suppress his emotions, it was still difficult to calm down.

Rushing all the way home, he went straight to He Xiner's room without saying a word. Only the sleeping Wang family cousin and Dabai were there, and Ye Xusheng's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Long before he entered the door, Dabai sensed that the sound of his footsteps was different from the past, so he jumped up from the ground with a swish, staring at him with heavy eyes.


Trying his best to stabilize his mood, he closed the door, and Ye Xusheng took Dabai to find Mrs. Cao at the first time. At the same time, Yuanyuan and Cuizhi also arrived panting.

"The second girl went to Miss Yuanyuan's house after sending her back to Miss Wang's family. She has been away for half an hour..."

Mrs. Cao was cooking in the kitchen, and seeing Ye Xusheng's black face for the first time, she couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. She carefully recalled every word He Xiner said several times to make sure it was correct, and then she felt at ease.

Both Yuanyuan and Cuizhi feel bad, and Xiner is gone!
"Brother, big brother,..."

"Brother Ye..."

In front of Cao Shi, the two of them still had some reservations, but they couldn't hide the panic in their eyes.

Ye Xusheng tried his best to calm down the anxiety in his heart, tried his best to maintain his superficial composure, and calmly adjusted his breathing. When his emotions calmed down, he took the two of them to the front yard.

"Big brother, what should we do now?"

"Where can Xin'er go?"

Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi were so anxious that their faces turned pale.

Looking at the two of them seriously, Ye Xusheng said in a deep voice, "I will take Dabai to find Xin'er, and the two younger sisters will accompany Wang's cousin. Before I come back, do what you should do and don't tell others."

Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cui were both startled, and then immediately agreed, completely ignoring Ye Guihua and Ye Feifeng who had already stepped into the courtyard, and went to Xikua courtyard together.

Ye Xusheng rushed out of Lao Ye's house with Dabai like a gust of wind.

Ye Guihua and Ye Feifeng, who had just entered the house, had not had time to open their mouths to ask him what happened, when they felt a blur in front of them, and he was nowhere to be seen.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"Sister-in-law, should we go to Xikuayuan to have a look?"

She walked too fast just now, and Ye Guihua was still breathing heavily, she frowned and let out a few breaths of sulk, before saying, "Something happened to Ye Xiner."

Ye Feifeng's eyes widened suddenly.

Looking at his elder brother's appearance, he could vaguely guess two or three points, but he was still surprised by her sister-in-law's firm tone.

(End of this chapter)

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