Chapter 1176 I Believe in Dabai

There was no movement of Wu Daba outside, could it be that they were all killed?

Thinking of this, Wu Lihua became more and more frightened, especially when she saw the big white and red eyes, she felt that this dog would jump on her at any time and tear her apart.

Wu Lihua's scalp was numb.

His eyes flickered and he didn't dare to look at Dabai, but he couldn't help looking at Zhang Tieniu's dagger dripping with blood, so he became even more frightened and shivered into a ball.


all crazy!
Obviously they are all muddy legs, why are they so vicious, even more vicious than her people?
Qing Xing, who had been squatting on the ground with her knees in her arms, stared at all this dumbfounded, her gray eyes suddenly brightened, she quickly crawled to He Xiner's place with both hands and feet, and kowtowed "Master Ye, Ye Second Miss, I beg you, take the maidservant away together, the maidservant will serve you like a cow or a horse..."

She knew, she knew that the dog could be found!

When she knew that the person who was thrown in was Ye Xin'er, she held a little hope, hoping that her big dog would find here as soon as possible.

Fortunately, fortunately, she finally made the right bet once.

Ye Xusheng, who lost the treasure in his heart and recovered it, finally calmed down all the negative emotions, hugging the soft and delicate little girl, feeling happy and satisfied~

Before he had time to have a good word with Xin'er, something obtrusive ran out.

Ye Xusheng's still gentle eyes immediately cooled down, and he glanced lightly at the other party.

Qing Xing's heart shuddered, and she immediately silenced herself.

"Xin'er, I'm sorry, brother is late."

"Cough, cough, it's all over, brother, don't get excited, just relax a little bit, I'm almost out of breath."

Hearing this, Ye Xusheng hurriedly let go of the man, but was stimulated by the girl's exposed delicate and clear collarbone, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes, and he really wanted to kill that man again.

"Brother hall, don't be angry, I'm fine. Look, I've been wearing the safety card you gave me all the time."

Knowing that the big brother was worried, He Xiner pretended to be relaxed, and showed him the safety card around her neck, but she didn't know that with a random movement of hers, the already torn jacket opened a little, revealing a delicate white clear skin.

Ye Xusheng felt his blood surging, quickly took off his outer shirt, wrapped the person into a silkworm chrysalis, and hugged him horizontally, "Go home."

"Miss Ye Er..."

"Xu Sheng, this woman is pregnant with the seeds of your old Ye family..."

Only then did He Xiner realize that both Zhang Tieniu and Dabai were there, and immediately shouted happily, "Uncle Zhang is here too? Is it Dabai's way? I knew Dabai was the best!"

A person who was wrapped up like a silkworm chrysalis was still held in the arms of Princess Ye Xusheng, but he was not embarrassed at all, and his eyes were shining, and he greeted Zhang Tieniu happily.

Most importantly, there was a bloody dead man lying on the ground, but she completely ignored it without any fear.

There is no one with such a big heart.

Zhang Tieniu laughed, "Madam Xin knew from the beginning that Dabai could find her?"

"Hey, I believe in Dabai."

The corners of Ye Xusheng's lips twitched slightly.

Why are we still talking about this?

Judging by her appearance, there is no need to take tranquilizing pills this time.

this time?

Quickly straighten the raised lip corners.

Ye Xusheng's heart was heavy.

"The Wu family has been calling that black bear Mr. Xianggong. I reckon Ye Laosan is used by her to cover people's eyes."

Ye Xusheng nodded, he heard it just now.

"That's it, Xu Sheng will take Xin girl back first, and leave this to me."

Zhang Tieniu waved his hand, very heroic, but scared Wu Lihua out of his wits, "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I'm pregnant with the seed of Lao Ye's family, really, really, really..."

"Miss Ye Er, take your maidservant and go with you."

(End of this chapter)

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