The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1177 It's best to be obedient

Chapter 1177 It's best to be obedient
Neither Ye Xusheng nor He Xiner are well-intentioned people, so naturally they would not agree to her request, and being with them is not enough to be threatening.

Although she didn't know how Uncle Zhang was going to clean up the situation, He Xiner was sensible and didn't ask, but it didn't mean she was stupid, and it didn't mean she was willing to be used by others to cause trouble for Uncle Zhang.

"Dabai is leaving!"

Ye Xusheng had already carried He Xin'er in his arms and strode into the dark night outside, Dabai's ancestors hadn't followed.


In this dark and silent night, Wu Lihua's miserable and sharp screams could be heard very far away, but unfortunately this place is too remote, there are no neighbors around, even if she screamed again, no one could hear her.

"Tsk, tsk, Dabai's ancestor is scaring people again~"


"Hehe, I understand, I understand, if it weren't for seeing that she is a pregnant woman, Dabai could have slapped her away with one paw, so it's nothing to scare her."

Ye Xusheng kept silent, put the man on the horse's back, and then got on the horse and hugged her from behind, "Is it cold?"

"My cousin can ride a horse? Where did this horse come from? Hey, this is the first time for me to ride a horse."

Ye Xusheng...

"Ah, you and Uncle Zhang came here on horseback? Did Dabai run by himself? Oh, Dabai is so tired, I can't let him run back..."

Ye Xusheng frowned.

"Hmph, for a stupid dog that didn't protect its master well, it would be fine if it wasn't punished."


He Xiner turned her head and grinned.

"It's not Dabai's fault, it's all my fault..."

Before he could finish speaking, the person behind him hugged her tightly and held her in his arms deeply, "Promise big brother that you will never leave that stupid dog again, okay?"

Ancestor Dabai had just rescued her, and the big hall brother was talking about stupid dogs, stupid dogs, it didn't seem very good.

"Well, I remember."

The two of them didn't say anything, and both felt a little depressed.

In the dark night, the snow-white Dabai ran ahead and led the way, while Ye Xusheng took He Xiner lightly and rode behind, following closely, and ran for an hour before returning to Pingning Town.

"It's so late, isn't the car shop closed yet?"

"It has been agreed in advance, and they will naturally wait."

He Xiner nodded, rubbed her cold hands, and twisted her body unnaturally.

Riding a horse is fun, but it's too crazy, and in such a cold night, you can't see anything, it doesn't feel very good.

Dabai obediently stood beside his master, majestic and domineering, like a protector.

"Thank you for your hard work today."

"It's best to be darling, my sister loves you the most..."

In the gap where Ye Xusheng instructed the little guy in the car shop to install the frame, He Xiner hugged Dabai who had been running all night, stroking his fur with all her heartache.

Dabai narrowed his eyes slightly, and rubbed his head against her.

One person and one dog are extremely warm.

Ye Xusheng specifically asked the boy for a lantern, which was hung on the front of the mule cart, and he also bought a small smoker, placed hot charcoal in it, and put it in the carriage warm and warm.

It has to be said that the items in the car shop are quite complete, and it provides a lot of bargains for those who drive cars and horses from south to north.

When He Xiner and Dabai sat in the warm car, they suddenly realized that the lobby brother was already dressed thinly. After the coat was given to her, he only wore a black jacket to withstand the cool night wind. After rushing all night, what kind of freezing will it be~
"Brother Hall, put on your coat, I don't need the warmth in the car."

All the buttons of He Xiner's jacket were broken, and she could easily open the door if she made a move. She didn't like wearing a jacket under the jacket, it was so tight, so she only wore a tube top, and now the jacket was open It was extremely inconvenient, and He Xiner had to pinch the jacket with her hands.

Now she opened the cotton curtain with the top of her head, leaned out half of her body from the carriage, bent over and pinched the skirt with her left hand, and stretched out her coat with her right hand.

(End of this chapter)

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