Chapter 1178 Don't worry

Ye Xusheng, who was sitting on the frame, turned his head and happened to meet her slightly open jacket collar. In the weak light, her porcelain white skin was particularly eye-catching, and her delicate collarbone loomed deep in the jacket collar, catching people's eyes casually. ...

Ye Xu's face turned red, and the tips of his ears were hot.

With twinkling eyes, he pretended to be calm and took the coat, and put it on silently.

"Big Brother..."

He Xiner didn't sit back, she lifted the cotton curtain, stuck her head out, and hesitated how to speak.

"Huh? What do you want to say?"

"Uncle Zhang will be all right?"

After all, killing people in the county town is not a trivial matter, and it would be bad if there was a lawsuit.

Ye Xusheng blinked his eyes lightly, and said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, Uncle Zhang knows a lot."


The two didn't continue this topic, they sat down tacitly and continued on their way.

Thinking of those abducted girls, He Xiner couldn't bear it for a while, and she didn't know if she was so stupid and could be cured.

And Qing Xing, I hope she can use this matter to get out of slavery and go back to her own home to live a good life.

It was not easy for her to get out of danger, how could she have the ability to care for others.

Thinking of this, He Xiner stopped thinking about it, and fell asleep with her arms around Dabai's neck.

I don't know how long it took, the mule cart stopped bumping, and He Xiner felt that she was picked up by someone, she closed her eyes and subconsciously pulled the skirt of her jacket, felt something covering her body, and muttered, "Big brother, what time is it?" gone?"


The confused He Xiner nodded and continued to sleep.

At this time, Lao Ye's family all fell asleep. When the mule cart drove into the backyard, there was almost no movement, and no one was disturbed.

Ye Xusheng hugged He Xiner and led Dabai directly to Dongkua Courtyard. The little girl was rolling on the ground dusty. At least she had to wash her hands and face, boil water and fetch water. It was easy to make noise in her own room. Wake up the second uncle and the second aunt.

With Yuanyuan, Cuizhi and Wang's cousin as cover, the second aunt thinks that Xin'er is at the house of Mancang's big brother, so it's not good for her to know and worry about it.

As for the second uncle, he must have something to say.

The moment He Xiner, who was in a drowsy sleep, lay down on the kang, she suddenly shouted, "Don't dirty the bedding of the big hall brother."

She rolled around on the ground covered in a layer of dust, dirty to death.

Ye Xusheng...

Is this asleep or not asleep?

"Brother will not dislike you."

It is not easy for people who are too sleepy to keep their eyes open to think about dirty things.

Ye Xusheng pulled the quilt to cover her, turned around to light the candles, when he turned around, he saw a dress thrown out from the side of the quilt, the speed was jaw-dropping.

At this time, the little girl was covered tightly with a quilt, only her head was exposed outside, and her hands probably felt dirty, so she closed her eyes and held up her two little paws in a gesture of surrender.

A section of the snow-white wrist was completely exposed to the cool air, and it was really cold, so it shrank back.

Ye Xusheng was dumbfounded.

Waiting for the young master to calm down and calm down, Ye Xusheng suddenly realized that it was getting late, so he hurriedly lit the stove to boil water.

Wiping the little girl's hands and face without distracting thoughts, those hands immediately swished and hid under the quilt, which made Ye Xusheng startled.

The slightly heavy breathing sound showed that the person was fast asleep.

I took apart the bun, gently wiped off the dust with a wet towel, and combed the locks with a comb, but there was no reaction at all.

It really is……

After settling down the little girl, Ye Xusheng told Dabai to guard his master with a serious face, and went over the wall to Zhang's house by himself.

"Is it still going well?"

Zhang Dongqiang hadn't fallen asleep yet, and had been waiting for him.


"Can the little girl be scared?"


(End of this chapter)

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