The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1179 Find Chapter 1179: What happened?

Chapter 1179 Find Chapter 1179: What happened?
In the bright orange candlelight, Zhang Dongqiang, dressed in white, had cold brows and eyes, and his whole body was cold. He habitually tapped on the desk with his right hand, "Just pretend it never happened."

"it is good."

Ye Xusheng took a deep look at him, and simply agreed.

Starting from the county seat to Beijing, passing through several state capitals, with only one county magistrate, there is absolutely no ability to quietly send people to the capital.

Ever since the Wu family's sachet was discovered by Dabai, he asked Uncle Zhang to investigate the matter. It has been more than a month. Uncle Zhang has not got any accurate information for a long time, and the matter may be more complicated.

"It won't be trouble, will it?"

Is the silly boy worried that he will get into trouble?
Zhang Dongqiang raised his eyebrows lightly, and said lightly, "It's nothing."

"Xu Sheng..."

Ye Xusheng looked up at him.

"Don't sleep around, just write a book."

With his clear voice, the manuscript of "Sword Gate" was thrown into his hand at the same time.

With twinkling eyes, Ye Xusheng didn't ask any further questions.

The two wrote the novel earnestly until the sky turned pale, and Uncle Zhang hadn't come back yet, but Ye Xusheng couldn't wait any longer, the little girl at home was still sleeping in his room, so he had to wake her up and send her to Yuanyuan.

Ye Tou, Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin, who were so drunk yesterday, started to sleep when they got home. They only drank a bowl of bean sprout soup for dinner and continued to sleep. They didn't know that something happened to He Xiner.

Wang also thought that He Xiner, Wang Jinling and Guan Cuizhi were all going to squeeze Ye Yuanyuan, so she felt relieved.

Ye Guihua and Ye Feifeng were the only ones in the old Ye family who knew about He Xiner's accident. Without knowing the circumstances, neither of them dared to speak nonsense.

The second room is not easy to mess with.

In case someone is offended, he will be the one who suffers.

Therefore, everything in Lao Ye's family remains the same.

When Ye Xusheng came home, it was still early, even his father and second uncle hadn't woken up yet.

Went to Xikua courtyard to get a jacket and skirt for the little girl, blushed handsomely and went back to his room to call someone "Xin'er, it's time to get up~"


The sleeping person whimpered and turned over and continued to sleep, looking like a little lazy cat.

"Xin'er, be good..."


The little girl responded vaguely, but was still too sleepy to open her eyes, her fine and curly eyelashes were shaking and shaking, like a small brush gently brushing across Ye Xusheng's heart~
"It's time to go to Yuanyuan's house."

He Xin'er, whose mind had already started to function, woke up Xiao Ran, dressed very quickly, after washing and dressing up, the two of them left the house with Dabai through the side door, and hurried to Yuanyuan's house.

After turning into the alley of Yuanyuan's house, He Xiner stopped, and said to Ye Xusheng, who was also dumbfounded, "My clothes have holes."

Ye Xusheng immediately understood.

"Well, if you and Yuanyuan borrow a set of clothes to change into, then say yesterday's clothes were dirty."

"Hey, there is still a way for the eldest brother."

Ye Yuanyuan, Guan Cuizhi, and Wang Jinling were dying of anxiety, and they didn't dare to rush to ask, so they walked around the crowded room in a hurry.

When He Xiner knocked on the door, the three little sisters almost burst into tears.

After welcoming people into the room, seeing He Xin'er who was a bit haggard, the three of them couldn't bear it any longer, they rushed up in a swarm, hugging each other as much as possible.

After sending the person, Ye Xusheng will return immediately.

"What the hell happened?"

"Where did you go yesterday?"

"Miss Xin'er..."

"Now is not the time to talk about this, Yuanyuan give me your clothes, my mother just thinks I'm sleeping at your house,..."

Ye Yuanyuan dragged people into the room without saying a word, rummaging through boxes and cabinets to find suitable clothes, Guan Cuizhi also helped out with ideas.

Wang Jinling hugged Dabai and watched the fun from the sidelines.

At this time, in the vegetable garden of Lao Ye's family, Lao Yetou and Ye Laijin both looked horrified, while Ye Laiyin was furious, "Where's that bastard Ye Laicai?"

"Third Uncle probably doesn't know."

(End of this chapter)

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