Chapter 1180

"Why doesn't that stupid pig die!"

Ye Laiyin gritted his teeth in hatred.

His precious daughter almost, almost had an accident, if it wasn't for Dabai's ability and his nephew...

His eye sockets suddenly became sore, and he almost shed tears.

At this moment, he was terrified~
Even Lao Yetou and Ye Laijin felt scared for a while. At that time, Ye Guihua and Ye Feifeng had moved their minds and wanted to go to the county town to watch the lanterns with Mrs. Wu.

"Sheng'er, go and call your grandma, your sister-in-law and the eldest girl."

Old Yetou's hands holding the cigarette stick trembled slightly, and his old eyes were gloomy, as if covered by a thick layer of dark clouds.

Xiaoqian's mouth is not guarded, she can't let her know about this kind of thing, if she says that she is bald one day, it will ruin the second girl's voice.

Therefore, this matter must be kept a secret from her.

As for Mrs. Wang, if she knew that He Xin'er had been kidnapped, she would faint from tears.

Yes, there is no need to tell her.

At this time, the old Qian Shi hadn't gotten up yet, and of course, neither Ye Guihua nor Ye Feifeng had gotten up.

With a helper at home, Ye Feifeng is also lazy now. When Ye Xusheng called her from the window, she was still a little dazed. When she understood what was going on, she didn't dare to delay at all, washed up as quickly as possible, and went straight to the vegetable garden .

This one is neat, but the old Qian and Ye Guihua's wife are jittery, they don't want to leave the warm bed, they finally get out of bed, wash and dress up and toss for a while.

Lao Yetou waited for a stomach full of anger.

Just when he was about to explode, the old Qian's mother and daughter finally appeared in the vegetable garden carelessly.

"I don't talk at home if I have something to do, and I don't have a place to sit when I run to this kind of place..."

At Ye Mancang's wedding banquet, the old Qian family was the one who stole the limelight. No matter if it was a woman in the village or a relative's family, when they saw her, they would rush up to her with bright eyes, and they would praise her from top to bottom. It's so beautiful that it almost floats~

The old Qian family, who was touted by a group of purposeful people, was almost unable to find the north and south. In the past two days, he was in high spirits, dragged [-] million, and was about to walk sideways. He still put on airs in his own home, feeling The aura is two meters eight. .

But, but the old man is crazy, he embarrasses her early in the morning.

"Aww - I'm fighting with you"

Old Qian, who was stunned by the sudden slap, wanted to fight Lao Yetou desperately like a madman when he realized it, but Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin held his arms.

"My good son was spoiled by your old man and turned into a lazy and lazy pig, but he is still very courageous. He dares to do anything, dares to tease anyone, and he will die without knowing how to die someday!"

Inexplicably, the old Yetou who scolded these words felt extremely uncomfortable, and also felt that these words were unlucky, so he couldn't help but yelled hard, and yelled away all the bad words.

Old Qian, who was still struggling and yelling endlessly, gradually calmed down amidst Yetou's extremely angry scolding, and then slowly opened his old eyes wide, with a face full of disbelief.

Ye Guihua and Ye Feifeng were already sweating from shock. . .

"Hmph, are you scared now?"

"I said earlier that the woman's intentions are not righteous, and she dared to rush to please her. She really didn't know how to live or die."

"I will warn you one last thing: if you utter a single word about this matter, I will break her legs and drive you out of Lao Ye's house."

"Especially if you are an old bastard, if I let Lao Tzu know that you have revealed a little bit of information, I will divorce you, an old bastard."

Old Qian was stunned for a long time, he only felt a cold air coming out from the bottom of his feet, and it went through his whole body very quickly, his whole body seemed to be frozen. "Old, old man, the eldest grandson ruined Wu's good deeds, will she, will she take revenge on our old Ye family?"

(End of this chapter)

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