The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1184 How can there be too much money

Chapter 1184 How can there be too much money

Looking at the appearance of her breasts, it seems that she is not lighthearted~
Quietly curling the corners of her lips, He Xiner gloated a little.

Her sister-in-law and Ye Feifeng should also be scared.

As for her grandfather?
Lightly poked the big hall brother next to him, and when the other party looked over, his eyes drifted in the direction of the old man.

Ye Xusheng immediately understood what she meant and shook his head slightly.

Uncle Zhang's murder cannot be said.

Moreover, he also intentionally made the whole family more vigilant.

Besides, with such a matter on the minds of his grandfather and his grandmother, even if his third uncle wanted to go home, it would be impossible...

He Xiner shrugged, she wanted to listen to what the eldest brother said.

She is not a person who likes to worry, she will do what she should do after this incident is over.


Just after breakfast, Mrs. Liu came to work with Cuizhi, and continued to make toys such as dead rabbits with Mrs. Wang and her mother. After a while, Mrs. Bai also came to the door with a smile on her face.

Seeing the joy on her face, Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Wang couldn't help joking, "They're all mother-in-laws now. Why don't you just sit at home and wait for your daughter-in-law to serve you? What are you doing here?"

"Of course it is to earn money. My grandson will study for the imperial examination in the future. Without money, he can't do it."

It is said that people are refreshed on happy occasions.

It took a long time for Mrs. Bai to fight wits and bravery with her nagging son before she successfully settled on the marriage, and married him openly into the family, and successfully completed a matter of her heart. She was really happy from the bottom of her heart.

Now the next goal is to hold a grandson, just thinking about it makes me laugh from ear to ear.

"Sister-in-law is a rich master. Ten grandchildren can afford to study. She prefers to say this. Is it deceiving us or something?"

"Haha, how can there be too much money? Naturally, the more the better."

"That's the same reason."

"Ha ha……"

The three master craftsmen chatted and laughed without delaying the work in their hands. The work was meticulous and not sloppy at all.

He Xiner was holding a white rabbit fur ball in her hand, she was a little distracted.

Yuanyuan and Cuizhi grinningly held freshly baked bear paws, and happily compared their size. In the yard, the little cousin happily ran after Dabai Kejing~
The sun is shining outside, the spring breeze is warm, and the air is fresh and clear.

Everything is so beautiful.

What happened yesterday was like a dream.

But she knew it was not a dream.

If it wasn't for the vigilance of the big hall brother, if it wasn't for Dabai's ability, if it wasn't for Uncle Zhang's strength, maybe she would never be able to come back...

At this time, He Xiner felt an inexplicable fear in her heart.

I am not afraid of people who do evil, but I am afraid of losing my peaceful and beautiful life now.


Distraught, she couldn't concentrate on her needlework, so He Xiner simply put down the objects in her hand, saying that she was going to bake a cake for the big guy.

Yuanyuan Cuizhi raised her hands in support.

Little Wang Jinling screamed with joy, clamoring to be her helper.

He Xiner naturally followed her.

When the two sisters happily led Dabai to the front yard, they happened to meet the mother and daughter Wei Yeshi and Wei Qiufang who came to the door, and they were speechless to the extreme.

Ever since they entered the gate of Lao Ye's house, the two of them, just like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, were looking eastward and westward with their eyes rolling, and were startled by Dabai who suddenly appeared in front of them.

"My mother, where did such a big dog come from? It scared my mother to death."

"Mother, mother, you bark so loudly, be careful of that dog biting people."

He Xiner...

"Don't worry, my Dabai family doesn't bite."

"Sister Xin'er is wrong. Dabai never bites good people, but he will bite bad people."

Little Wang Jinling was very unhappy.

This ugly monster must still be playing tricks on his big cousin, so he has to find a way to make Dabai scare her.

Better scare her out!

He Xiner was dumbfounded by her cousin's words.

(End of this chapter)

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